JoinedTopics Started by jefferywhat
I can almost see the matrix!
by jefferywhat ini have been posting on here for a few months now.
i know sometimes i seem like a mole( had to research that one) and sometimes a wt defender and other times a bit confused.
i feel like i need to make a position statement as i never really introduced myself.
New Light
by jefferywhat ini swear more new light is available here than in the corridors of the wts.
in leviticus the israelites are instructed not to eat things strangled or already dead, but if they do, they are only unclean, not stoned to death.
so why has it been upgraded by the wts to be this unforgivable sin?
What next?
by jefferywhat inso in the last year two major qfr came out, one on the fds not being any more special than the gc in terms of enlightenment and the second being that 1935 is no longer a "thing".
this was followed up with a change of the generation being the fds.
then numbers go up this year and apparently, alot of the new converts in the fertile lands of mexico are claiming to be of the anointed.
Is Armageddon Close? watch this interesting documentary........
by jefferywhat in
New Light Extravagansa!!
by jefferywhat ina lot of people are in a little fuss about the generation change, which as far as im concerned, doesn't change anything, it could be step one of a bigger adjustment down the track, but on its own, its been done.
but at the annual meeting of the wtbs, there wasn't 1 but 5 changes of thought, the light has literally exploded.
one that has caught my attention is the the change on the dragnet of matthew 13. if you have wt 92 6/15 read it!
"Loose Conduct" , what is the true definition?
by jefferywhat inthis term was actually one of the reasons i have started looking into the wtbs, i must be honest and say im am still looking objectively, so please dont avalanche my question.
i am in search for truth!!
does anyone know the actual root meaning of the word asel geia?
Is this a breach of Christian Neutrality?
by jefferywhat inthis is an oldie but a goodie, and it begs a question. .
for any witnesses in australia, we would be used to the little guy with the canadian accent brought over here by the society to sort out the post war issues in aus bethel, we were selling and swapping stuff with the army, i actually think one of the bethel boys get shot by mistake.
Is this a breach of Christian Neutrality?
by jefferywhat inthis is an oldie but a goodie, and it begs a question.
for any witnesses in australia, we would be used to the little guy with the canadian accent brought over here by the society to sort out the post war issues in aus bethel, we were selling and swapping stuff with the army, i actually think one of the bethel boys get shot by mistake.
Will the GB get rid of the WBTS?
by jefferywhat inthis is an out there discussion, and probably running a little ahead of the organisation but.....
ever since rutherford took charge, the organisation has over shadowed the actual "hands on" worship, i.e.
in one year alone, it was pointed out on this forum, if a witness read all of the literature and the bible as prescribed, it would be like 120 pages of the bible and over 3000 pages of watchtower printed material.