I would think it takes a lot to flabbergast NASA scientists but apparently it's been done. check the link :)
Indigo Insight
Posts by feenx
anybody know online resource for ancient calenders, zodiac etc?
by The Nothing Man inhi there, basically i need to find out where different zodiac signs would have been back in jesus day, and before that.
does anybody know of anyplace online that has this kind of calender, showing the ancient zodiac?
Sounds very intriguing. Are you working on a specific project?
Indigo Insight -
You've lost that loving feeling.......
by Pandoras cat inyou've lost that loving feeling and it's gone gone gone.....woa woa woa.
this song brought to you by the righteous brothers/mother.
(no pun intended).
good god! I didn't see it (haven't been to any JW function in over 5 years) but just hearing about it makes me want to puke. YUCK!
Indigo Insight -
what brings on the question, if you don't mind me asking?
Indigo Insight -
I broke...
by Mysterious in...a board yesterday in tae kwon do, my first.
:-d i was the only white belt who broke one too.
it was excellent empowerment therapy.
that is AWESOME! how long have you been studying?
Indigo Insight -
Join me in welocming karen10!
by changeling inwelcome!
we hope to here more from you!.
changeling :).
I love when new people join the board! I think they do a good job of keeping everybody on their toes :):)
Indigo Insight -
Do you believe in Ghosts?
by Thechickennest injust curious.....what is your feelings post witness about the super natural?
I agree with Hope4Others, we were all conditioned to believe some pretty "out there" things. I think as a result many of us since our exodus from the borg have a habit of writing things off, no matter what it is. Valid "belief" in something is all a matter of perspective. There are a vast number of people who look at the belief that a human, who able to perform miracles, claimed to be the son of god, died a horrible death only to come back to life and show himself to people as a CRAZY notion. Yet a large number of believe this as fact. It is all in the eyes of each individual. The "evidence" supporting Jesus' activities is no more concrete than anything related to spirits.
I also believe many people who have never had any kind of encounters with what they would call a spirit have a difficult time believing in such a thing.
One's belief, or disbelief, doesn't change the reality however. I personally do believe in spirits, or energy as I call it. But that belief doesn't have any bearing on those spirits. So I feel it's like everything else in this life, CHOICE.
I'm curious as to what dictates each of our belief or disbelief in spirits. What is if for you that makes you feel a certain way about it?
feenx Indigo Insight -
Do you ever feel like you just need a change?
by Princess Daisy Boo inall is good in my life... everything is just ticking over.
my family is healthy and happy.
my kids are great, and me and mr daisy boo is fine.
I know what you mean, I have felt like that often in the past, for sure. I found two things that helped. 1 was to change something, even if was just small. I cut and dyed my hair. A new face to look at in the mirror. 2. I opened myself up to things that previously I would have dismissed, and it created a new road of thought for me. This can be anything really, for me it was spiritual things, but it could anything from spiritual things, to a new hobby, art perhaps? Anything that makes you emote. Just some ideas :)
Indigo Insight -
People who make the truth EXCITING!
by slimboyfat ini have been fading for years now and attend meetings very rarely these days.
but something happened recently to make me think about going regularly again.
a couple have returned to my congregation who used to be special pioneers here twenty years ago.
There's plenty of people who are genuine and really nice. But it still comes down to the plain simple fact...there's only so much you can polish a turd.
Indigo Insight -
Post your Kingdom Hall Pics Thread
by mavie incold north idaho.
i served as a ministerial servant here for 3 years.
not my car...but that *is* my ex-wife.
I don't have any pics either, which you think I would since I we lived in the basement apartment of the KH from when I was 7-18. YIKES. It was the Bear Valley cong., Denver, CO USA