I saw it on an IMAX screen and it was AMAZING. I was blown away, intrigued and yet saddened by Heath Ledger's performance. It was like watching someone lose themselves right in front of you. There was no more "Heath" left after that...just the Joker. DISTURBINGLY good.
Posts by feenx
Anyone else
by John Doe insee "the dark knight?
" i just got back, and i recommend it.
joker absolutely owned the part.
WOW!! what a fantastic thread! I am so happy to this topic posted.
I personally feel there are several elements that keep mystics from discussing such things openly. Surely the reception is a concern, and being looked at as mentally unsound. Which is ironic, since good ol' Mr. Tom Cruise can publicly say that his knowledge in Scientology puts him as THE best person to help someone say who was just in a car accident. He can say these things and though many disagree they certainly are not ready to put him in the nut house.
BUT a mystic speaks of their experiences, even the lighter ones, and are immediately seen as unstable or very delusional, that somehow it's wishful thinking and this belief in these "experiences" is somehow a crutch for them.
I also feel that there are just somethings that mystics do not need to share, as they are in the midst of processing such things themselves.
And probably the most important reason...is simply that many stubborn humans simple aren't READY to hear what a mystic has to say. There are so many people just beginning to awaken further on this 3D plane, let alone hearing experiences of things beyond.
I always try and look at that regardless of what I believe, or what you believe, neither of it changes the actuality of things. One of us could be "right" or we both could be "wrong." But our belief or disbelief doesn't change things...so then why close our minds simply because it's something we don't understand, or something we're not as comfortable with? Seems a little silly to me.
Indigo Insight -
I need a ridiculous Watchtower quote....
by feenx indoes anyone have a quote, with date, issue and page number, to one of those lovely wt quotes that basically says "as sad as it is when your kid goes crazy and leaves the organization one must remain faithful and recognize it was not their fault or parenting but the childs own dimentia that caused them to leave" ?
it's for a letter i am writing :)
Does anyone have a quote, with date, issue and page number, to one of those lovely WT quotes that basically says "as sad as it is when your kid goes crazy and leaves the organization one must remain faithful and recognize it was not their fault or parenting but the childs own dimentia that caused them to leave" ?
it's for a letter I am writing :) -
My mother says my thinking is now like he who sexually abused me
by feenx inwow...i am so hurt and angry and in sheer disbelief i don't even really know where to start.
ok first off, my mother has multiple personalities.
it is my hope that one day soon we can actually be...well you know, a "family.
What horrible affront from me are you referring to?
My mother says my thinking is now like he who sexually abused me
by feenx inwow...i am so hurt and angry and in sheer disbelief i don't even really know where to start.
ok first off, my mother has multiple personalities.
it is my hope that one day soon we can actually be...well you know, a "family.
You know for me, I can deal with this obsessive loyalty to jehovah. I can deal with only wanting to speak for emergencies. The statement that gets me when she said "It seems that your thinking has become like that of those who were so abusive to the both of us. That is the greatest tragedy of all and it breaks my heart." The person she is comparing me to in that sentence is her father, who is still an elder, and is responsible for the sexual abuse of his three living children, the suspected murder of his infant daughter (who would've been my mother's older sister) and sexual abuse of myself and three cousins on that side of the family. The memories I have of his abuse are graphic, vivid and absolutely the worst display of evil a human could ever perform. And THIS who my mother is comparing her SON to.
THAT is what breaks my heart. -
Man I'll tell you what, it's crazy about how accurate so called "mythology" can be. E.G. a writer by the name of Zechariah Sitchin has come across some very interesting things from the old Sumerian writings commonly passed of as myth. In his book Genesis Revisited he talks about papers in science magazines that he had published, PRIOR, to the NASA Voyager mission when the Earth saw the first pictures of Neptune. He had called out what the planet would look, colors, as well as size before those images came back. And when the TV images were seen his writings came true. He had gotten all his info from translating the Sumerian texts. How did the Sumerian's know what Neptune would look like?
My mother says my thinking is now like he who sexually abused me
by feenx inwow...i am so hurt and angry and in sheer disbelief i don't even really know where to start.
ok first off, my mother has multiple personalities.
it is my hope that one day soon we can actually be...well you know, a "family.
Wow...I am so hurt and angry and in sheer disbelief I don't even really know where to start. Ok first off, my mother has multiple personalities. I had asked my mother a couple questions in reference to that. My father believes that her system created an alter specifically to give birth to me (which must've been quite the chore as I was an entire month overdue and 26 hours in labor) based on her behavior thru the whole process. So after knowing that I had been curious if there had been a specific alter to conceive, because the whole process of my conception and birth was a little odd, in fact because of my fathers *ahem* equipment down there he wasn't supposed to be able to have kids. Those are the questions she is referring to below (I'll be pasting her email). So I am confused why that sends here to a dark place. Perhaps she misunderstood my questions. Then when I didn't hear anything back from her, I sent her THIS email:
hey Mom :) I hope you are feeling well. Did the health issues you referred to before clear up? How are you feeling as of late? How is dad?
I hope my last questions didn't go...too far beyond your comfort level. I am just really curious about it all. Are there things, feelings, senses, that perhaps you haven't been able to explain or quite able to pinpoint that have held you back from talking about my question? I hope it didn't cause undue issues with your system. I certainly didn't mean to put you off. I have heard, thru the all to inaccurate grapevine, that the society has tightened up on their DF communication stance recently. I understand, though am saddened, if that is a cause for distance.
I am in a really good place right now in life, I very much wish I could share that with you. Though I know we will be, for the short time remaining, on seperate sides of the scriptural, religous and societal fence, it my is my true, heart felt, hope that when "the end times" culminate we can once again reunite and perhaps rekindle that mother/son bond we began the night I came to you.
I have come to know much since the last time you saw me, and though our definitions may be different, please know that my sense of spirituality (can you believe that word actually came out my mouth?) has grown exponentially.
I love you and dad, very much, I miss you. It is my hope that one day soon we can actually be...well you know, a "family." To this day I still wish I had a brother, always felt that, now exactly sure why.
I hope all is well. Though I do not neccessarily expect a reply, I look forward to it.
much love,
your son.
OK that was my email, here is her reply:
Sorry about taking so long to reply. I am feeling better; just one of those female things. Dad is fine-he doesn't have the same health challenges as I do.. I do want to address your questions presented in the last e-mail you sent.
The questions you posed in the previous e-mail did indeed make me uncomfortable. I don't mind giving you answers to questions that are relevant to your mental and emotional health. But questions that don't relate to that and are only to satisfy curiosity about personal matters are not ones I want to discuss. Every time you ask a question like that takes me back to places I don't care to go. If getting to the answer were in some way helpful to me I will explore painful thoughts, but I can't do that to satisfy curiosity.
Last time I visited your place I found myself disappointed. Smoking is certainly your decision but I can't pretend that it doesn't bother me. Spiritual things aside, smoking cigarettes is a deadly habit not only to the smoker but EVERYONE around him or her. That includes children and pets. It demonstrates a general lack of respect on the part of the smoker for themselves and others. It also demonstrates a certain amount of selfish thinking. I hope you can discover a better way to get whatever it is smoking gives you.
The other matter is that of the pornography. I was astounded that you had put those pictures up. But you also knew I was coming and you chose to leave them up; even when I said I needed to use the bathroom you didn't do anything other than to "warn" me that there were some "dirty pictures" in there. Again I won't even discuss the spiritual things. The fact that you have those in the bathroom that both you and Angelique use is incredibly self-centered and thoughtless to say the least. I was SO VERY offended on so many levels and yet you seemed unconcerned. I came to the conclusion that you really don't have much respect for yourself or for other people, including me. It wasn't easy for me to come that day as I was feeling pretty crummy-again the female stuff. But I did, as my concern for your emotional and mental health is always on my mind. What I saw that day were choices you have made, as an adult, that have nothing to do with me or the way you were raised. I really don't believe you intend to be selfish or thoughtless. I'm guessing that you don't truly think deeply about decisions you've made or will make in the future. I hope that too changes.
I am not sure of what you mean when you refer to your spiritual sense. I too wish we could be a family; I miss you terribly. But I cannot sacrifice my loyalty to the Sovreign of the Universe even for you, whom I dearly love. I was taken aback when you said that Jehovah is selfish. I think that was the most hurtful thing that day. It seems that your thinking has become like that of those who were so abusive to the both of us. That is the greatest tragedy of all and it breaks my heart.
I know this e-mail is very frank; I imagine you may find it offensive. I don't mean it to be. I need to be honest with you though; I love you too much to give you half-truths or platitudes. For right now our communication will be limited to family matters of urgency. I hope that you will at least give some thought to what I've said. Again I'm not trying to hurt you; I love you!
The smoking and porn she refers to was when she came over to my house several months ago and saw the cigarettes, and then some very naughty pics I had up in my bathroom (which I actually DID have a good reason for having them up, but she didn't want to hear about it). Mom's will be moms and I can totally see and understand her concern in those two areas. BUT to compare adult pornography with the exploitation of children (what her and I suffered from her father) is uncalled for. On top of that, because of my choice not to be a part of the society and my feeling (which she ASKED for when she was over, I did NOT offer) that Jehovah is selfish, and how I live my life, means I think like my SEXUAL ABUSE PERPETRATOR is absolutely hurtful. I literally cannot believe those words came out of her mouth.
I am already an only child and an outcast from what family I did have. My therapist previously recommended I cut them off completely and think of myself as an orphan. I'm beginning to think about taking her advice. -
Thanks Babayaga! which article did you read?
Reverse witnessing!
by jacethespace insince leaving the watchtower and getting out from under its mind control my life has started to take off better than ever before.. ive got a great job im happy with.
started dating normal people again.
and i just have more time to take intrest in family and freinds and other things in life.. which is why my best revenge is to show how happy i am to my ex congregation members whenever i see them.i like to see what there reaction is.. today i was travelling home from work and was in the greatest mood ever so when i saw one of my ex congs associates- mel it made my day.. she came and waited for the bus in the queue at first she seemed to avoid looking at me even when i waved at her she looked away so i was determind to wait for her in the queue.. so i was like "hi mel ".
I've noticed that if it's a friend of mine that I had they're all really happy to see me. Hell I had one that was practically shamelessly flirting with me as my GF was laying in the oral surgeon's chair! Another friend I ran into was really receptive, we literally "hugged it out" lol. BUT the elders you run into, oh man! I was with my GF at the time in the post office and he was a couple people ahead of us in line. He looked SO pissed, like he was personally wronged somehow by my even being there. It was sad and hilarious at the same time.
Indigo Insight -
from Gilead? I've hard snippets of that lately to. What was it about gilead? My grandparents were in the 2nd gilead class, and even well into life they always RAVED about it. Gilead this, and Gilead that.
CONGRATS on the awakening. It's an amazing feeling. It's like a drug for me.
Indigo Insight