I agree with stillajwexelder.
As someone who has had nothing but female friends his whole life, trust me, to one degree or another it's on his mind. But really, guys are not that hard to figure out. I dont think he means anything by his jokes other than what they are: a way to laugh about sex. Where it leads, well that remains to be seen. But I say dont try to analyze it so much, have some fun and go with the flow.
Posts by feenx
ok men of JWD help a girl out.
by LouBelle inright - so i've met this guy through a friend - he's a little older than me (38, recently divorced, though separated for 2.5 years and has a little 4 year old daughter) he is quite a nice guy, we've been going out, having dinners and just getting to know each other - right now i'm quite happy being friends.. the thing is this guy uses so much sexual inuendo from fruit to head, to pips, you name it........ i mean i don't mind at all and have a good laugh, but what i'm trying to understand is what is he ""asking"" ""sussing out"" of me - if anything?.
thing is i'm good with straight up and ask if you want to move into a sexual relationship.
don't beat around the bush, or play games (well some games are fun when you're in a sexual relationship) so guys can be hard to read....... or perhaps i'm reading too much into it - i'm just not used to dealing with older men (i date guys around my age or younger).
Need Your Opinions: Public speaking training on resume?
by feenx inlike many ex dubs my education stopped after h.s.
in today's job market that can pose certain challenges.
though i have plenty of industry experience to show, the research i've done shows regardless of what it is, employers look to what education history is listed.
I agree that something religious affiliated would be strange....however I think Uzzah has a good approach to it. Honestly the training that I took in had nothing to do with anything "religious" as far as I'm concerned. I never put that experience to use to get bible studies or what have you. I was very good in the school, and I sucked door to door ;)
The positions I will be applying for will require strong relations with vendors and managing a production team...both of which have opporutunity to put public speaking skills to good use.
Need Your Opinions: Public speaking training on resume?
by feenx inlike many ex dubs my education stopped after h.s.
in today's job market that can pose certain challenges.
though i have plenty of industry experience to show, the research i've done shows regardless of what it is, employers look to what education history is listed.
Like many ex dubs my education stopped after H.S. In today's job market that can pose certain challenges. Though I have plenty of industry experience to show, the research I've done shows regardless of what it is, employers look to what education history is listed. Do you think it would be advantageous to have a remark on a resume simply stating x amount of years of structured public speaking courses through WTBS (listing it as such)? I know that listing anything religious related on a resume isn't the best, however if it provided training for something that can be applied to a secular position, is it helpful or harmful?
UN LIBRARY CARD: What it really means
by tula inwould you like to take a peek inside that infamous library?.
there is a link embedded within this thread that will show you the interior and some amazing things.
it is like no library you have ever seen.
TULA: Answers like that are what make it so easy for the WTBS to convince the rank and file that anyone outside the org. is an "apostate." Do you honestly think that any lurkers here, seeing what you write, will be somehow "inspired" to search for answers to their doubts? Or perhaps more likely that they will automatically assume what they are told is correct, and simply put your rantings are therefore "crazy?"
And I think the question posed to you is a very relevant one, if you were never associated with the WTBS, why is it such an issue for you?
A little about ourselves...
by feenx inso as all of us who spend probably more time on this board than we should know, we get to know many things about everyone on here based on their opinions posted about the topics of the day.
but what about who we are outside this forum?
in a sense we all are still part of a community, yes?
So as all of us who spend probably more time on this board than we should know, we get to know many things about everyone on here based on their opinions posted about the topics of the day. But what about who we are outside this forum? In a sense we all are still part of a community, yes? So how about a little get to know you session. I'll start.
I am an only child. Definitely made things interesting growing up. After HS I got into newspapers, eventually had my own for a bit, and now I work in commercial printing. Nothing exciting. I still like to write, though haven't gotten anything published in several years. I met my GF a year and a half ago. It's been a challenging and wonderful road to this point, and now we stand poised to move to AZ. She has an audition in a couple weeks for Arizona State University for their masters program, in Opera. Once accepted we'd be moving to Tempe. It would be the first time I would live anywhere else. Coming from a very stationary family it's a bit intimidating. But exciting nonetheless as most places here in Denver remind of something from the "good 'ol days" in the Borg.
I am currently working on a book and a screenplay. For fun right now, I guess we'll see where, if anywhere, it goes once I'm finished.
I love to have a good time with wonderful friends I've made, which usually includes karaoke, dive bars, concerts, Scottish and Irish festivals, camping and whatever mischief we find ourselves that day.
My personal motto goes right along with a T shirt I have: Tact is for those not witty enough to be sarcastic.
Basically life isn't something to be wasted, so why not have some fun?
Things You HATED About Being a JW
by minimus inthere were a few things that i hated about being a witness.. i love music and live concerts.
quite often i'd have to play my music privately or hide an album cover for fear it might "stumble" someone.
i hated worrying whether someone was going to somehow get "stumbled.. regarding going to concerts, it seemed that certain artists only came to town on a meeting night and i'd miss the shows.. what did you hate about being a jehovah's witness?.
PHONE WORK!! as if it's not bad enough we had to prance around in suits in neighborhoods now on cold days or help support the elderly who still wanted to be active in the ministry we get to sit around a table with a script given by HQ and play telemarketer, only instead of crappy products we're selling mind control. LOVELY!! GAG!!
Why Religion?
by hillary_step ini have no issue with a person having a spiritual dimension, but i wonder why people have difficulty accepting that the religion that an individual makes up inside their head is no more or less worthy than the ones other people have made up in their heads.. why do people feel the need to have others tell them what to believe and how to think?
simplistic though this may sound, this is at the basis of all religion.
does religion scratch the itch of our insecurities?.
Juni: I think that is a friggin great way to explain it! I completely agree.
Someone on this thread mentioned "being." I agree that "religion" is a tool used by leaders to change the simple human function of being, and the possibilies therin, into a life of "doing." As if doing can answer questions that many people dont truly want to delve into. Rather than finding out for themselves it's much easier to simply tell yourself what this organization says is true. They are just like an alcoholic taking a drink or an addict getting high. Rather than getting to the root of their urge they satisfy themselves with something easily accessible, on the surface. IMHO the mass majority of people truly entrenched in any man made organization are burying their heads in the sand and slapping a band aid over whatever happens to pop out.
Burntheships: I apologize, I think on another thread the other day about names that we all liked I referred to you as a "she." oops!
What are you eating right now?
by Bourne ini just ate a bowl of cereal !
wow.......how exciting....... bourne.
Well I am not really eating anything...I am however enjoying a beer on a lovely Sunday afternoon :)
UN LIBRARY CARD: What it really means
by tula inwould you like to take a peek inside that infamous library?.
there is a link embedded within this thread that will show you the interior and some amazing things.
it is like no library you have ever seen.
I agree. However I am interested in the accurate details of the UN membership. What is in this super library at the UN that would seemingly justify to the rank and file the WTBS membership? What is contained in that library that they can't access elsewhere?
So how bad is the male STD test???
by bluesbreaker59 ini'm going in for a routine checkup at the behest of my partner.
she was shocked i've never been tested, and i said well i have no symptoms, i wear condoms, and had very few partners, so i didn't think it was necessary.
really how bad is the "q tip"???
yeah just like Heathen said, hurts like a bitch at first, but you get over it. I've had two, and the second was by a woman and she was WAY gentler than the guy was. Just dont drink before hand, cause if you have to pee right after...ouch.