Quote: "I've tried this approach with my dishes and laundry but so far no luck."
LOL, yeah i've tried that too. Damn, guess we're just not "faithful" enough. Better work on that :/
Well, humans are notorious for wanting instant gratification and the easy way out.
Posts by feenx
If Satan is such a good guy then.................................
by Warlock insome of you blame jehovah for every atrocity and every disaster that has ever occured on this earth, from a-z.. if satan is such a good guy, as some of you have stated, then why doesn't he do anything to help mankind?.
warlock .
Genetic Material Possibly in Meteorite
by Satanus inhttp://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20080613/sc_afp/spacesciencebiochemistrybiology_080613180404 .
small bits of genetic material, or material used in the genetic structure, along w carbon 13 have been found in a meteorite that landed in australia a few yrs ago.
european and american scientists have been studying it, and concluded that the material was not pick up here, but is from outer space.
Very interesting story!! kudos on posting it for all to see! feenx http://indigoinsight.blogspot.com
If Satan is such a good guy then.................................
by Warlock insome of you blame jehovah for every atrocity and every disaster that has ever occured on this earth, from a-z.. if satan is such a good guy, as some of you have stated, then why doesn't he do anything to help mankind?.
warlock .
The context of Jehovah and Satan is only applicable if one buys into the Bible as an absolutely true account of events, and in that capacity as being completely accurate. I would venture to guess that many of us on here to not believe this to be the case. That being said, why do humans continue to be the hamster running on the wheel? Especially ex JW's? After seeing the affects that an all inclusive environment of "God's" chosen people can be like, why does one still look to the divine for help with human issues?
In all reality, aren't we as humans responsible for our own actions? We created this mess, do we not have the power collectively to reverse it? Why does one keep looking up instead of within?
http://indigoinsight.blogspot.com -
Support a new blog site on spirituality
by feenx inthere is a new blog that i have started in an effort to open discussions on subjects of spirituality to an audience not only of ex jw's.
i would very much appreciate anyone who is interested in open discussions or hearing things from a different perspective than is normally discussed here at jwd.
the blog is: http://feenxfiles.blogspot.com .
Greetings!! There is a new blog that I have started in an effort to open discussions on subjects of spirituality to an audience not only of ex JW's. I would very much appreciate anyone who is interested in open discussions or hearing things from a different perspective than is normally discussed here at JWD.
The blog is: http://feenxfiles.blogspot.com
The email for the blog is: [email protected] -
Indigo Children
by feenx inwhat you think, what do you know, how do you feel about indigo children?
What about in the cases where there is not Autism or a similar condition. I guess...regardless of the current state of such a person, how do you feel about the theory itself.
Indigo Children
by feenx inwhat you think, what do you know, how do you feel about indigo children?
What you think, what do you know, how do you feel about Indigo Children?
TATTOO LOVERS: Need some suggestions...
by feenx inhelllloooooo peeps!
alright so with all my recent bs part of the new "me" will be a new tattoo.
i have part of it figured out, a phoenix bird, which really is perfect for me personally with my journey through life, as a silentlamb, and coming out of the borg and embracing my own life.
Well this will be my second tattoo. My first one is a black tribal piece, on the inside of my right arm, with a biohazard symbol in the middle. ;) And I guess I don't look at it as having a reminder of my past on my arm, for me it's a reminder of what I stand for.
I guess for me the phoenix bird does not just symbolize coming from the borg, but really everything I grew out of, all the pieces of my former self I have left behind. And the reason I want it over my heart is because I want that constant reminder, that constant kick in the arss to KEEP growing and to KEEP progressing and never settle into being a stagnant person.
And really, as a survivor of sexual abuse, it gets better but it never goes away. So something that reminds me to take care of that little kid inside me. I think I may get the phoenix bird first, and then once I figure out the lower portion I can add it on later. -
TATTOO LOVERS: Need some suggestions...
by feenx inhelllloooooo peeps!
alright so with all my recent bs part of the new "me" will be a new tattoo.
i have part of it figured out, a phoenix bird, which really is perfect for me personally with my journey through life, as a silentlamb, and coming out of the borg and embracing my own life.
LOL!! that's classic. haha. Do apostates still count time? If so....then DAMN I'm like a super pioneer or something with as much as I tell people about it.
TATTOO LOVERS: Need some suggestions...
by feenx inhelllloooooo peeps!
alright so with all my recent bs part of the new "me" will be a new tattoo.
i have part of it figured out, a phoenix bird, which really is perfect for me personally with my journey through life, as a silentlamb, and coming out of the borg and embracing my own life.
Helllloooooo peeps!
Alright so with all my recent BS part of the new "me" will be a new tattoo. I have part of it figured out, a phoenix bird, which really is perfect for me personally with my journey through life, as a silentlamb, and coming out of the borg and embracing my own life. REBORN!
What I am trying to figure out is the piece that I want to get over my heart, which will be where the tattoo starts. I want something that symbolizes that life of a child, inside the borg, alone, sad, terrified, victimized, etc. Something that is a clear statement of what that life was, and the life that is now dead and left behind.
Any thoughts?? -
Well...at least it's helped with my writing block
by feenx ini've had some definite writers block when it comes to prose.
partly because of this book i'm working on, partly because of life itself.
i haven't written anything that i like in a while.
I've had some definite writers block when it comes to prose. Partly because of this book I'm working on, partly because of life itself. I haven't written anything that I like in a while. And then this morning at work BOOM, there it was. I spat it out in about 15 minutes. It's just a first draft, so go easy on me grammar people ;)
Anyways, just thought I'd share it, another way to let myself be heard :)
My working title is "I Stand Alone"
I stand alone Atop my mountain Years of one step at a time To get to this peak
Thousands of feet of climbing Now one step to go One step to be free One step to fall On my way down all the world to see
I stand alone My parachute Full of my life's journeys On my back
Can it save me Catching my fall, Or will I let this climb continue to destroy me Never being whole?
One foot foreword One step of self trust The ultimate test Of my self earned strength
Will this parachute of my past make me fly, Or will this weight of pain I've carried up this mountain Make me fall?
Once more step Will I take it?
One more step Will I continue to only imagine it?
This unseen force Is pulling me down
Is it my past life and current pain Or is it my fear, Of trusting myself enough to jump Off this cliff?
I stand alone On this mountain One step To my future
I stand alone On this mountain Dead inside Betrayed and slaughtered
I stand alone Questioning Do I have the strength? Do I have the will, To resurrect myself?
I stand alone Sewing the broken pieces of myself Back together
Like Frankenstein's monster Stiff, unsure and angry I yearn to be whole
One more step And we shall see
I stand here alone Asking Will I fly? Or will I take my final fall?
One more step...