In a recent welcome thread someone mentioned they have seen a tremendous amount of people awakening recently. I have seen this too, and not just related to JWD but in general. It seems there is quite a shift in people taking place. I have my personal opinions/explanations on the matter, but I am curious, especially from those in more....traditional circles, what you think about it? Have you noticed the same thing in any way?
Indigo Insight
Posts by feenx
Yet another new guy...
by tresdecu infirst, let me say it is scary posting here for me.
if my past self could see me now!
i am a ms, been so for about 12 years.
FANTASTIC!!! I love newly awoken people. Such a zest for information, it's actually very much contagious. I am sure, especially as you start to post about specific topics, your brain and emotions will start to swell QUITE a bit. Can't wait to see you on your journey my friend :)
Indigo Insight -
Oh JOY for those 20yrs and younger....DC eyeroll!
by yknot inyes someone has posted a video of friday's talk releasing the ypa v2........ for your viewing disbelief & displeasure...... .
young people-walk by holy spirit!
Jesus CHRIST some things never change. The same bad acting glossing over the same "wordly association" freak outs. GAG. I can just here the sentence being drilled into everyone's head OVER and over....bad associations spoil useful habits. Only now as an adult I hear it as a parrot voice, haha.
is that only in America? Here I thought many places in the world fall for much under the mask of "religion." I have mixed feelings about the investigation. Do I think it's an outrage to anyone that TV preachers are being investigated? No. If somebody wants to sit in front of their TV and send Joel Osteen money is anyone else business? No. There will always be charlatans and people who fall for their tricks, whether it's on TV or not. Who are we to intervene? Hopefully it makes some people stop and think, but I highly doubt the televangelist industry will crumble because of some government attention.
Indigo Insight -
One thing that I can do.................................
by Warlock inpost-jehovah's witnesses, these are some of my conclusions on life:.
1. i cannot do anything to stop the sun from rising tomorrow, no matter how hard i try (i know, i know, the sun doesn't really rise.
2. i cannot do anything about whether there is an afterlife or not.. 3. i cannot do anything to stop my physical death.. 4. i can see what has happened, but cannot predict what will happen.. warlock .
I agree with Blondie, it can be slowed down. As far as the after life, you're right. There is nothing you can do to change the reality. But you can change YOUR reality. Just because the lovely JW flavor of things didn't taste well doesn't mean there's not more out there. The world is your Baskin Robin's my friend, 31 flavors and counting. Don't get stuck in this 3D "reality." As Einstein said "Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one."
Indigo Insight -
I'm wondering what brings up the question. Is there something you've read? If so please share. I always like to consider all the possibilities, regardless how "realistic" society sees them. Though I do have to admit, that would go against many things I feel to be true. But definitely interesting to hear the info.
Indigo Insight -
Writing about the bible
by feenx inoy!!
i was posting a blog this weekend about the bible after i read a post on a friends website.
this life long friend of hers had said that she can't support my friend, or her writing, in any way because it goes against the bible.
OY!! I was posting a blog this weekend about the bible after I read a post on a friends website. This life long friend of hers had said that she can't support my friend, or her writing, in any way because it goes against the bible. (and no, neither of them are or were JW's)
It definitely irked me a bit so I started a blog series about the lovely ol holy bible. After a while of writing about it and getting all my reference links together, I was spent. I had forgotten how utterly miserable and taxing it can be to focus SO much on that damn book.
Indigo Insight -
Hey bethelite monitoring this site
by Evidently ini dare ya..........just post and say your're there.......come on, i dare ya, just one post........nothing incriminating, just say "whas up aposties"!!!!!!.
I don't think they monitor the site. First off, what dub HQ isn't going to be too pompous to view statements by apostates? We're beneath them as far as HQ is concerned, we're the devil's workers. Second, if anyone did actually monitor this site, then good god they really SUCK at coming up with ways to hide the actual truth from the rank and file. You'd think with all the statements made on here, all the holes that get poked in the JW dogma, they'd come up with better ways to blind the people.
Indigo Insight -
Letting the JWs Hold You Back
by FreudianSlip ini have seen several people make comments that insinuated that their being a jw is the reason for all that is wrong in their lives.
i find this simply unacceptable.
even if you could reasonably blame your religious experience on the past.. what is stopping you from growing as a person now?.
I COMPLETELY agree. Life is about choice, whether in the borg or out. As a silentlamb, the son of a mother with multiple personalities and a JW dynasty, on both sides of the family, having come before me I can assure you the only thing stopping anyone is themselves. The law of attraction is a reality...that which you put into the universe you receive back. If one is constantly saying woe is me, then that's exactly how their life will be. It is a sad, sad occasion when someone who has faded or left the dubs still defines themselves with that box.
Indigo Insight -
Education and apostasy are the same, right?
by easyreader1970 inover the past year or so, i have noticed that the watchtower has been jumping all over two "threats" to the organization: higher education and apostasy.
many times they speak about them in the same article.
they also have been focusing on them in the assemblies and conventions.
I can TOTALLY see them moving this way. They've harped on the education issue and the internet issue for quite a long time, to no avail. Personally I don't see why more people don't wake up and see that CLEARLY higher education can be good because the very organization that they listen to wouldn't be able to function without all it's lawyers, doctors and businessmen. But besides that, in any event, they've lost the battle thus far. Dubs are still going to college and still surfing the net, both of which provide info outside the cult. APOSTASY is the only thing they have left that still makes people gasp, because of the very definition explained at the beginning of this post. Apostates were always the freaks trying to stop people from going inside the conventions, etc. Or they were the CRAZY CO's or Elders who warped the minds of those who listened to them and turned them against the society cause deep and long lasting rifts in the congregations. People still hold an actual fear of apostates, so why not use that as a means to curtail people waking up to the never ending lines of shite that comes from the podium? Pretty smart if you ask me, in a f*cked up way.
Indigo Insight