Wow, it's crazy how many lives this religion ruins. My wife has been DF'd for 10 yrs or so. here Parents are the same way. We have had many problems because of this. My wifes mother came to see my son when he was born and after seeing the way she treated my wife, I told her I would never watch it again. I told her I couldn't come between her and my wife but I could stop her fromm seeing my kids. I asked her to try to be just a grandma and mother and not a spiritual guide to my wife and son. Obviously she didn't like it because she rarely calls. When my duaghter was born(her only granddaughter) she wanted to come out again, somehow she jusstified to herself that it would be ok to stay at our house. I told my wife hell no. She will never see my kids in this manner. My wife was not happy but understood. Her mother has attempted a few times to see the kids(luckily she lives 3000 miles away so it doesn't happen often). My wife finally told her not too long ago, that unless she could forget about the DF and put religion aside we wanted nothing to do with her. Her mother replied "their just going to die in the end anyway so whats the point in trying" true JW ways, turn you back, run and hide. It makes me sick.