My life is not in ruins...but it is sometimes delayed.
I've been out for 12 years....and I'm very happy and understand what I went through and the JW faith.
..but many times feel like a social retard. I enjoy the holidays...but don't totally understand them like my friends. I love my church and love my faith...but don't have a deep passion. I plan on going back to pursue my bachelor's degree (I'm 44 years old)...but mourn the experience that I would have enjoyed learning as an 18 year old. I love my parents...but mourn our relationship...because I can't share what I'm doing most of the mom just called me from Ohio...I live in TX. She asked, what are you doing...I said getting my Xmas ornaments out of the garage. She held her breath and changed the subject. When my parents came to visit this summer. I wanted to invite all of my friends over to introduce them to my parents...but held back...because I knew it would make my Elder Father sad to know about my bible study group. So I don't lie to them...but I'm just not totally open.