JoinedTopics Started by VoidEater
Its about the enablers, not the abuse It's about the coverups not the crime
by avishai inthis was a phrase spoken by a woman on abc news tonight, re: the catholic sex abuse scandal.
i love this phrase, especially when applied to the jw's and their spokesmen's regular denials that they had anything to do with the abuse.
no, they did'nt order their members to molest children.
The Awakening
by darkuncle29 ini don't remember where i found this, could have even found it here.
i don't remember reading it before, and i know i didn't write this.
i still think it is profound though.
Sept 15th 2003 Watchtower Page 26-30
by stillajwexelder injust read this article about martin luther -- the wtbts state -- luther recognized that god's favor cannot be earned.
rather , it is granted to those exercising faith romans 1:16; 3:23,24,28 .
these days i do not go to meetings very often so i do not know what is new light and old -- and have read in r. franz coc similar material with ed dunlap and commentary on letter of james.. this implies salvation can not be earned (i.e.
JW Urban Legends
by Azalo indid any of you hear any of the urban legends that jw's used to scare people into being deathly afraid of demons?
for example i remeber hearing that a child brough a smurf doll to a meeting and upon hearing the name jehovah uttered it got up and walked out.
got any j-dub urban legends?
by new boy intrying to make sense of it all?-----------------try this.. that we all been here many times to experenice all aspects of life.. we have been male an female.. we have been or will be most races on the planet.. we have been or will be a members of most religions on this planet!.
we have been judges, soldiers, harlots, pleasants and some have been kings.we have been the prisoners and we have been the guards, we have killed, we have been killed.. oh yes!
we have been zealots too.. there is no!!!
by mouthy inwatchtower ,aug 1st 1981 say.
your attitude toward the wheat like anointed "brothers"of christ will be the determining factor as to whether you go into "everlasting cutting off"or to receive "everlasting life ( math 25:34-36.
watchtower,july 15th 1991 says.
by new boy ini was at a wedding last summer were i met an old friend.
he had been reinstated for 6 months, he was dfed for 4 years.. he had been an elder for 10 years before that, he had commited adultery with another "brothers" wife.
i asked him how it was going.
Never Hire A Jehovah's Witness!
by Kent inif you are an employer, never hire a jehovah's witness.
the reason for this is simple: that mistake may cost you a lot of money!
you can bot expect a jehovah's witness to do what they are told to do, but you can expect them to do the oposite!
JW's and star trek?
by bboyneko inwhy are there so many star trek refferences among x-jw's?
like the borg getting assimilated, etc.
i heard before that star trek was very popular in bethel despite warnings not to watch it.