All Apologies - Nirvana (and I'm not even a "Nirvana fan" as such)
JoinedPosts by VoidEater
What song describes your state of mind at this point in your life?
by restrangled inmine is the verve /bitter sweet symphony...... what's yours?
icanchange, icanchange, icanchange....nonono!.
Yet ANOTHER thread on ...Atheist/Theists... :-O :-O
by Kudra ini know that the atheists are pissed that the theists are always trying to convert them/condemn them to hell and the theists are tired of the atheists always trying to knock down their beliefs.... .
where the heck are you hanging out that theist/atheists are always haranguing you and trying to convert/deconvert you???
am i just missing the roving hoards of these two groups that are searching for the unsuspecting pedestrian or coffeeshop patron and then whammo -they try to convert them???
So, why the problem with some Christians and not others?
<EDIT - of course, JG gives the perfect maybe in general atheists have already done some healing and have fewer sore spots they need to defend...>
There is a qualitative difference I've noticed outside the board that tends to show atheism as a better way to get along in society, as opposed to some Christians. This will perhaps inflame some sensibilities - and it certainly doesn't apply to some Christian faiths, or even to all individuals in a particular faith. But I don't see atheist groups picketing soldier funerals because America isn't following God's laws and therefore God is allowing our soldiers to be killed. I don't see atheist groups killing "abortion doctors". I don't see atheists proclaiming the World Trade Center was destroyed because America isn't following God's laws. I don't see atheists heading formal organizations being prosecuted for aiding child molestation.
On the whole, perhaps Christian and atheist groups are fine and dandy. But the atheists don't seem to have the same kind of fringe groups that want to interfere with other people's lives.
There seems to be something about fundamentalist religion that appeals to a certain kind of person, or causes some people to spin out.
Strange thing - the menatility of the disfellowshipped
by Billzfan23 ini was in target the other day with this girl that i have been dating for a few weeks - we were browing around, she was getting some housewares for a new apartment that she is moving in to..but that's neither here nor there... .
i turn the corner - and there stand a couple of dubs that were assigned to my book study when i was an elder last year.
one of them is 24 years old, the other is around 18 or 19 now.
Jehovah's Witnesses Celebrates Thanksgiving
by Wordly Andre inevery year we (non-jw family) have thanksgiving at my grandma's house, all the jw family comes over on friday to eat left overs or take a plate home.
ok i think i've posted before on here about how thats a load of crap, it's still thanksgiving dinner no matter what.
i just heard that a family member who is the family jw nazi, is coming to my grandma's on thanksgiving day!!
is she just trying to ruin our time?
I'd vote "Yes".
Because as all you know here non-JW's have to respect the fact that JW's don't celebrate so we have to respect them.
I've always found respect to be a two-way street - even "back in the day".
but WHY, to make the rest of the family feel bad?
See first line vote. And to find a reason to be mad.
yet they won't go in to churches for a funeral
Somehow, I missed out on that edict. I've been to many funerals and weddings in churches without reprisal (again, "back in the day").
Funny - my mom (second generation) always made a Thxgiving turkey - but not as a "worldly custom", rather as a "personal family tradition" - the turkey is available, on sale, and tasty!
I'm really sorry - some people are such <insert apellation here>.
Why Some Can't Understand
by writetoknow inif i love my children, i don't make them suffer.
why should god be any different?.
"you may participate in the divine nature" (2 peter 1:4).
Buff: Ah, ok. Glad I can offer sympathy to other rape victims. It's so much nicer when we can all suffer together.
Hmm...too catty. I apologize.
It's just that finding the "redeeming feature" to "God allowing us to suffer" - indeed, in placing suffering on a pedastel - makes me feel like a masochist, believing we are destined to suffer, supposed to suffer. I can't buy that. Suffering exists because of what humans want and do.
I'm not quite an atheist yet, so I guess I can rise to the bait a little bit. But postings like this make me realize more and more that, for me, atheism may be the only real answer.
Ginger or Mary Ann?
by undercover inminimus' thread on tv shows has inspired me to ask all you guys (and gals) who you would prefer to "be with".... ginger or mary ann?.
jeanie or samantha?.
wilma or betty?.
Creationism is Stupid, Stupid, STOOOOPID!
by Farkel inok. i used to believe in creationism even after i left the dubs.
i was a braindead window washer at the time.
i don't believe in creationism now, but i do believe in a creator and that is different.
housing a narrow birth canal that is unfortunately located right next to the filthiest part of the human body.
Um, not really. Belief that "down there" is part of the body with the most germs is more a reflection of prejudices against our bodies and lingering potty-training trauma (multi-generational). Hands are actually "dirtier".
Some, like me, believe that God created each kind (sparrow, finch, eagle, etc).
Hmm...pretty crowded ark, then. Unless He came out of retirement after the flood.
[Marijuana is] a gateway drug. it's classification is up there as a controlled substance. isn't heroin and marijuana just as punishable by law?
Sounds a bit dated, does anyone really push this post-Reagan? It's not viewed that way in the substance abuse community that I'm aware of, this may just be more hysteria (like our filthy bodies). PS - herion and marijuana are listed as separate classes of substances, and my limited viewing has been that possession/use of the two are not "equally" punished everywhere. But I'm a California kid, and we all know about California, eh?
I think chigong could be called a path to meditation. There are many paths.
Anything can get connected to anything in our minds. Lust could lead to love, just as Christianity could lead to compassion. But lust (as I take the meaning here) is more about our animal (e.g., mammal) natures, or could be aligned with possessiveness when linked to an intellectual imperative. What do you mean by lust?
Lust as coming from our animal nature can bring us to circumstances where love should come into the equation (how do we treat the object of our lust?). But they are not intrinsically linked - we humans tend to like to link them, though I see that more as a social construct rather than a per se relationship.
What Are Your All Time Favorite TV Shows?
by minimus inall in the family is one of the very best series, in my opinion.. when i see re-runs of the andy griffith show, i smile.
when i was a kid, i never really appreciated don knotts and the gang as much as i do now.. taxi was another favorite.
hill street blues was great.