inactive?: Others have posted good adivce (CO, then DO, then letter to headquarters; or, get out). Yet I am surprised that so many would find that the good advice - really the only things that can be done - will net a good result. If you really want to be "in", you will have to fight for it, and allow a little "righteous indignation" into your attitude.
You are being treated this way for one or both of two reasons: your daughter's behavior/situation (you are tainted because of her, and you are associating with her - certainly you know you must shun her now, she is DFed and actively pursuing an evil life - I'm sorry, but that's how they see it), and/or the elders dislike you.
Of course you are told not to try and remedy the situation by taking it over the elders' heads - this is how bureaucracies work. Of course most of your efforts will fall on deaf ears and you will be re-referred back down the chain of command back to the local congration - this is how bureaucracies work. Welcome to the land where the rubber meets the road, and the sweet theoretical light of God guiding his organization gets dim at this altitude.
Your story doesn't surprise me much, it matches in many ways watching my dad trying to stay and then get back in. He too was asked to voluntarily step down, he too was told not to take it to the higher-ups, he too spent a good five years (!) just trying to get an answer from someone other than "this has been referred back to the local congregation". Most of the interference he got was generated from an elder who personally did not like my dad.
What does sound ultra-fishy, even from my jaded viewpoint, is that you still have the priv of cleaning the hall? Without then encouraging your meeting attendance and without your attending that hall? That either doesn't add up, or your elders are truly the poster children for nuts.
Even with the various wierdness I have seen, the elders have always encouraged meeting attendance (not seeming from a desire to help people return to God, but rather as a way to dominate and control them, to "prove" you want to come back) - I have never seen, in my worst views of how DA and DF and others are treated, never seen anyone not being expected to crawl into meetings. Non-attendace always results in asking for keys, and removal of privs. Perhaps you are professional maintenance workers and they view your cleaning the hall as a business situation?
I also have never seen field slavery time rejected, not without charges of apostasy or other misconduct.
But, from what I have seen, I certainly can't say it hasn't happened to you. If you insist on this being the religion for you, then you must chalk it up to some serious personal grudges and keep working within the system (CO, DO, HQ) until you get resolution.
You will probably also have to choose between a relationship with your daughter and your membership in this organization.
Is it painful? Yes. My heart truly cries out at your pain and confusion.
Do you have the power to choose? Yes. Your own heart will tell you where your priorities should be. That's God's voice telling you what to do.