I'm in Med school and love it SO much. Best thing I ever did, saving lives for real now too. Kudos to all those filling their head with culture, science and human progression of thought. XXX
JoinedPosts by KnowlegeSeeker_UK
Dealing with the reality of death. How do you?
by confliction insince i've come to the realization and conclusion that i've been living a fictional lifestyle for the last 17 years, i've also come to identify with agnosticism.. .
but one issue that's been taking it's emotional toll on me lately is the realization of the fictitious paradisiac earth.. it was the ultimate goal as a witness- the answer to everything.
even if you had questions that couldn't be answered, you were to "wait until the paradise and ask" when you got there.. .
Can I suggest you read some of the books by science Professor Richard Dawkins. I felt the EXACT same way and just ignored the feelings as I cound not rationalise it.
Dawkins made a statement that changed my view completly he said "How dare we complain of death, of all the organisms that failed, of all the organisms that died, of all the organisms that enjoy life less than we do, of all the millions of sperm that did not make it in the one act of conception of our very person.... how dare we complain of death- when we have been so lucky to have life."
This is so very true and I have not suffered that dread or sadness since.
DC 2010 Release - The Origin of Life and its many misquotes
by Designer Stubble inlooking up all the references is a lot of work - one of the reasons nobody normally verifies these, but trust the writers.
as you will see, the writers are banking on this, but it is not a good thing to trust the wtbts writers.
please find the bibliography worked out for quotes 38-51, covering the heading "what about human evolution".. interesting is that many quotes are from the [u]preface[/u] of books, where the authors honestly explain the difficulties and assumptions related to evolutionary science.. [b]what about human evolution?[/b].
How many members are here? Do you not think we can push for a scientific journal or science rep like Dawkins to analyse the book and the misquotes, get all the authors together and publicly shun the book. This would encourage people to check the sources of everything they read. I am currently in a science degree. This is not just bad practice its the worst offence in scientific writing. These guys will REALLY anger the original authors.
Maybe we need a team on this. I would love to head it up. We contact all the authors, we contact news, journals and science domains and really push them to examine the book.
What do you think? What kind of numbers do we have here? I f I could get hold of some email addys and names we could bombard the scientists to check it out.
Claim about Russell's wealth in the new DVD "Jehovah's Witnesses: Faith in Action"
by slimboyfat ini know the society have from time to time stated that russell was a very successful businessman before he turned his hand to religion.
the new dvd is more specific than i recall them having been before on this issue.
it makes a point of saying that charles russell expanded the business and opened clothing stores independently of his father:.
The impression i got when I was young was that he threw all his money at the watchtower society and lived as a bethelite worked making bibles and books for the world.... Bollocks... his money didnt dissapear it just became another business. People forget the literature was NOT free. He was smart ! What is the biggest selling item in the world..... the bible... "hmmm how do I's go about copyrighting my own !"
DC 2010 Releases and info
by JWFreak insorry i have been very busy and forgot.
as promised.
friday afternoon.
I remember working the microphones in (95?) when the 'new light' was announced. I answered the paragraph as a young teen, not really grasping what it all meant despite a deep bible knowlge. Then a sister answered saying " I have to adjust my thinking... I grew up thinkinh I would never go to high school, but now I have to accept that my children may see the end but I may not.. we serve with faith not by dates or for the hope of reward".
Now this siter was young, in her early 30's anyway. I remember thinking WOAH !!!! Hang on, .... shes right.... they are saying it may not come for a very very long time. Then how the hell could they be saying right up to a few months ago.. dont worry the dudes from 1914 are all nearly a billion years old!!! It was sold to us in times of difficulty as a measuring stick!Now the JW's just have the infamous unbiblical words "just around the corner" and we are "at the finishing line".
I also remember the flip flopping as I began to take interest in serious doctrine at age 13/14 as to whether Babylon The Great had fallen. Depending who you asked you got a different answer. Every cong has the wise old sister, so I went to her, she showed me a KM that said it had fallen and did so in 1919 (ish maybe a few years later) and that it was in the process of being destroyed. Now I was a busy lil preacher as a kid and was studying with a Muslim guy, I had researched Islam in my futile attempt to convert him. I knew that while the society claimed that babylon the great had fallen as church and chapel sizes diminished, Islam was the fastest growing religion in the world, now up in the 60,000,000 region. Then I realised that the society never slate Buddihsm or Islam or Jedi's.... just Easy prey catholics. Not only that but the nasty bile that is thrown at catholics is not thrown back... this really got me thinking. I remember arguing with a family member about nuns. I said "do you REALLY think they know their religion is wrong but CHOOSE to stay because they are evil and therefore deserve to die at Armageddon???"
This all spewed from that change in belief of the Generation.... that and at the age of like 12 realising "hey hang on.... who the hell invented the sword...! WHY DID GOD INVENT A SWORD ?" ...think about it..... (first sword in the bible...i.e. in existance)
I left the JW's but I did so after extensively examining the bible. Once I found deep faults here I felt compeled to drop everything. It was painful but at the same time the shackles fell off and I was free....
The bible was written many years ago, the accounts based on various older stories, myths and beliefs documented in aincient civilizations such as the sumarians. I wont waist tiem going into it now, go read and discover for your goodselves. Anyway the point I am getting to is that women were once adored and seen as not equal to men but indeed higher. Why ? These beautiful creatures could make NEW human beings! From aincient times they were worshiped. Even though much was done to quell this it's roots reach out to today, the goddesses of this era are present in the corners of the word, from atop The Capitol Building to paintings in art galleries. The church hated all of this and saw it as pagan. A huge turning point came after the early christians had become wealthy and powerful. Men were dying and leaving land and fortune (therefore power) to their wives. It is evident now that the reason why Marriage was ruled out for priests was to prevent the loss of this land and wealth. No wives, no families, all went to the church. Scripture was then slowly altered and rendered in such a way as to make "women a weaker vessel", something that makes my insides wish to vomit with anger and shame. All are equal. A woman cant teach in a Kingdom hall, but she can perform brain surgery in the hospital down the road. Ridiculous !!! Women are more emotional.... balls ! Its primitive, its old and its wrong.
Not all women want equality, I find this sad but I recognise their right to choice. I strongly suggest you read the amazing history of the church and women. It says so much that JW's have blindly carried on this false nonsence.
"Could any sisters willing to bake cakes and help prepare and clean the hall for this privilaged event please come to me after the meeting...." Thank goodness I dont have to put up listening to that creepy nonsense anymore. Nevermind the American bullshit of Women must dress like 1950's prudes. Wear trousers!!!!! Whatever next.. you will be wanting a penis of your own !
Music of 1960's and Early 1970's
by Farkel inthanks shamus.
i forgot i needed to load ie to put up a youtube video.. there was such great music in the 1960's and early 1970's it's hard to remember them all.
here are two great ones from that era.. in my lifetime there has been no period of less than a decade that has produced anywhere near the amount of great music that was produced in those years.. farkel.
The shaggs... seriously ! I sounded better in my garage and I am pretty bad. Hendrix, Dylan, Muddy Waters ! Thatrs coming from someone born in the 80's !
"Help"..... I guess.
by KnowlegeSeeker_UK innot sure what to says so i guess "help" is as good as any.
i realised today the wt sized hole in my life.
i was never df'd or ds's.
I havent quit Medicine, just mentally ' took a day off'. Thanks guys. It's 4.30 am and my head is still churning it all up.
WTS was the first on the scene after the Haiti earthquake
by bohm inhey!.
the following story is apparently circulating in several south-american bethel-branches: after the earthquake in haiti, the wts was the first provide help in the form of 18 doctors who was transported in by air.
this clearly show how well the organization work bla bla bla.. im curious if anyone else here has heard this story, or have information about how effective the wts helping work really was..
Notice how none of these stories ever get published or formally announced. I remember the story in the 80's of the sister who unknowingly walked home followed by a rapist. He knocked on her door and she answered, he left and was caught. When asked why he never attacked the JW woman, he said 'cos of the huge man standing behind her when she opened the door' and of course boom boom, there was no man behind her. she was a single mother w.... bla bla bla bollocks. I also remember hearing that no JW's were at the twin towers, they were all miraculously off sick... Then I heard the same said about the Jews, then the Muslims.... I would love to know who promotes this BS. Someone does, there has to be some kind of PR to ensure it goes world wide cos it does.
All these little underhand rules that spread like a mexican wave through the congs, also all the little terms of phrase that become terminology such as "the truth". Not being allowed to give talks without a suit jacket was always a no no in my area, who the frig came up with that one. The brother that dared to take it off on a hot summers night was always sure to get an earfull after.
who knew a wife who was in a domestic violence situation while a jw
by looloo ini knew a girl who got married at 19 despite objections from the elders , they got disfellowshipped and reinstated after 18 months , he chose her clothes and would not allow her any money , he insisted on doing the food shopping with her , he hit her if tea was not on the table when he returned from work , he broke her nose once when she was holding her 2 year old child , when she approached the elders , onesaid to her "what are you complaining about ,he hasnt broke every bone in your body , there are sisters who put up with much worse !
if a jw man is not supposed to be violent why would they not give him a telling off ?.
My siblings and I were beaten quite badly. I guess when you grow up with it you dont realise or know how bad it is. Still dont. The most emotive thing I saw was my ministeral servant father hold my brother up the wall by his neck. When this all came out one day, the elders said it was bizzare we had never thought to mention it, one even stated he worked regularly in the ministry with one of my siblings and they hadnt said a word. This btw was following around 20 yrs of violence and it finally coming out.
Alcohol was an issue too. We were sat down as the children and before the body of elders asked very judgmentally if we were mistaking punishment and child rearing for abuse. The meeting ended with them removing our privlages and telling us we could not answer up concerning family issues, specifically being good children. I had been a pioneer and a bethelite. This was devestating to me. We were instructed to go that night to our parents house and make peace. (Interestingly this all came out after one of my parents was violent to my sibling and it had got out of hand and elders were called. My siblings and I took a stand against both parents.)
The congregation knew there were problems. The next thing they see is siblings, worn out and heads down. No more privelages, no more answering (demoralised), whilst our parents walked round like angelic beings, prooved honourable. The elders were happy, issue over and firmly under the carpet swept. I have never felt so low and detached from my faith.
I have just remembered a night some years before, when I dragged my father off of my brother in a kitchen brawl and threw him into the cooker (stove). I stared him eyeball to eyeball and said "the elders or the police, your choice." He chose the elders as he wasnt dumb, unlike me. The elder came and went. Nothing changed. The elder said that it was common in the congregation. He said to get over it and move on. Work on the fruitages of the spirit as a family etc etc.
Anyway, both parents have long left, to the shock of many but not to a few. One claimed to be of the anointed so it had been a big deal. All my siblings still attend, wounded but ever faithful. But this was the start for me. The eye opening experience that made me realise I was praying to thin air. LOVE JUSTICE POWER, I didnt see any of those attributes. I also have the fortune of knowing the truth of the situation, the elders that got it wrong didnt. That cemented it for me...
Hang on, this is just.... men.