OK, happyman you want some things that JWs consider good? OK, here they are.
(I am going to try to think the same way a Jehovah's Witness thinks)
How about letting your child die as the result of refusing a blood transfusion! It is OK, because the jw will see her child in paradise and the child won't have to live through this wicked system of things.
Shunning your own child, mother or father after they have been disfellowshipped. That is OK too. As a Witness you can't be around disfellowshipped people. If you have to shun people in you own family that is OK.
The society predicted the world would end in 1914, 1925, and 1975. Even though they were wrong we should ignore it. Because, or course, the society would never lie to us.
If there is someone in the congregation who has, in the past, molested children, then we should ignore that too. If the elders know about it then I am sure that the molester has repented.
And of course you can do anything that a group of old men in Brooklyn tell you is correct.
Yes, these are all things that a Witness should really be proud of.
WAKE UP, HAPPYMAN! These are all things that happen everyday in Kingdom Halls all over the world.
"I have so much love to give, but no one to give it to."
William H. Macy - "Magnolia"