JoinedTopics Started by GinnyTosken
Demons & Possession--New Teaching?
by patio34 inwhilst reading the bible straight thru this last time (& probably is the last time) i noticed an odd thing.
i'll just throw it out on the table and see what it brings.. starting in the gospels, demons and demon-possession seem to be very common and no one seems shocked.
in fact, casting out demons is a definite part of the disciples'and jesus' work.. but, in the ot, there is nary a mention of demon possession, nor rarely a word about demons at all.
Did Christ exist?
by uncle_onion injesus christ is the main feature of christianity.
what proof is there of him existing?
we touched on this subject on the the last thread that i started, but i would appreciate in depth veiw points and "evidence" please.
The "Ransom Sacrifice" short version.
by Norm inin the christian part of the world not many of us have escaped the much hyped and published sacrifice christ supposedly made when the romans executed him.. i myself was going around for years parroting this strange concept without giving it much thought.
thinking and faith some times do not mix very well.. anyway, apparently god made a royal blunder when he created the first humans and they plunged mankind into death and despair first crack out of the box, while god stood by and watched helplessly.
then we are told that god for this reason, in his infinite wisdom took mankind for ransom for thousands of years.
Book Recommendation: The Bible Unearthed
by GinnyTosken ini recently finished reading the bible unearthed: archaeology's new vision of ancient israel and the origin of its sacred texts by israel finkelstein and neil asher silberman.
here is part of a review that drew my attention to the book:.
the book reaches its conclusions from a huge array of archaeological evidence of different kinds, some quite clever, such as the analysis of camel bones; others representing new trends in field archaeology, such as settlement surveys.
Control the past, the present ..the future?
by MacHislopp init is my opinion that the following quotes by the wtbs.
publications, cannot co-exist , one eliminates the other, and i do.
believe that this is a another proof of "history rewritten" ..... orwellian way control the past, the present and the.... future.
A few "commands of men"
by aChristian injesus spoke about religious leaders who insist that others accept their own personal interpretations of the scriptures.
he said that god finds the worship of people who do so to be in vain because they teach "commands of men as doctrines.
" ( mt.15:9 ) a "command of men," as opposed to a command of god, is a teaching which men insist that their followers accept, even though it is not clearly stated in scripture.
Amish - JWs similiar problems
by larc insomething to read,.
i just found a site where david yoder describes the amish culture in great detail.
it is fascinating to get an inside view of their world.
Waiting's Never-ending Joke Thread
by Seven inhappy monday!.
had no price tag.
much to her embarrassment the cashier got on the intercom and boomed out for the entire store to hear: "price check on lane thirteen, tampax, supersize.
Thank You Ray Franz.
by Martini inhello friends,.
in a thread over at entitled "society bracing for law suits" fellow jw's are taking swipes at ray franz.
not too long ago, while i was still under the wt spell i also would have similarily spoken abusively of ray.