JoinedPosts by GinnyTosken
by zev inif the borg don't have the truth....who does?.
a question i've been pondering since learning of the deceiptfull ways of the borg.
once one has the "knowledge" of good and bad, as it were, that the borg are/have lied to its followers, been deceiptfull, misused others quotations to suit thier purpose, and misapplied them, as so very well brought to us by maximus{which by the way, max, have you posted your story anywhere on the forum?
Danny! Seafood!
by Bendrr inhey dude!
another cooking post for you.. remember i'm still learning the art.. i bought a swordfish steak today and broiled it.
You get one like I did with "snakes in her head" and learn your lesson.
Note to self: Add "Medusa" to list of multiple identities yearned for.
Question to ponder: If Venice and I were roommates, who would be Laverne and who would be Shirley?
Why Bad Beliefs Don't Die
by CPiolo infor those of you interested in why your rational arguments and reasoning, in addition to well documented information do little to sway the beliefs of true believers (family, friends, and loved ones), the reason as offered in the following article is survival..
offered humbly for your perusal,.
Thanks so much for sharing this! I have bookmarked the page.
I found this section especially interesting:
First, skeptics must not expect beliefs to change simply as the result of data or assuming that people are stupid because their beliefs don't change. They must avoid becoming critical or demeaning in response to the resilience of beliefs. People are not necessarily idiots just because their beliefs don't yield to new information. Data is always necessary, but it is rarely sufficient.
Here is the URL again in clickable format:Second, skeptics must learn to always discuss not just the specific topic addressed by the data, but also the implications that changing the related beliefs will have for the fundamental worldview and belief system of the affected individuals. Unfortunately, addressing belief systems is a much more complicated and daunting task than simply presenting contradictory evidence. Skeptics must discuss the meaning of their data in the face of the brain's need to maintain its belief system in order to maintain a sense of wholeness, consistency, and control in life. Skeptics must become adept at discussing issues of fundamental philosophies and the existential anxiety that is stirred up any time beliefs are challenged. The task is every bit as much philosophical and psychological as it is scientific and data-based.
Third, and perhaps most important, skeptics must always appreciate how hard it is for people to have their beliefs challenged. It is, quite literally, a threat to their brain's sense of survival. It is entirely normal for people to be defensive in such situations. The brain feels it is fighting for its life. It is unfortunate that this can produce behavior that is provocative, hostile, and even vicious, but it is understandable as well.
The lesson for skeptics is to understand that people are generally not intending to be mean, contrary, harsh, or stupid when they are challenged. It's a fight for survival. The only effective way to deal with this type of defensiveness is to de-escalate the fighting rather than inflame it. Becoming sarcastic or demeaning simply gives the other person's defenses a foothold to engage in a tit-for-tat exchange that justifies their feelings of being threatened ("Of course we fight the skeptics-look what uncaring, hostile jerks they are!") rather than a continued focus on the truth.
Skeptics will only win the war for rational beliefs by continuing, even in the face of defensive responses from others, to use behavior that is unfailingly dignified and tactful and that communicates respect and wisdom. For the data to speak loudly, skeptics must always refrain from screaming.
A deep and serious question for Francoise
by expatbrit infrancoise old chap:.
it has been noted that in several threads you have commented on how wonderful conventions are for, to quote your elegant phrase, "getting laid".. this raises questions in the minds of us (me?
) who never had any success whatsoever in this worthwhile endeavour.
NOTE: The following post is from Roaming Feline, who does not yet have her posting privileges back after hitting the posting limit yesterday.
So, Ginny, let's see if I got this straight. When we were going in opposing circles around the stadium, this was "dancing around Maypole", the Maypole (or Phallic symbol) obviously being the center stage, or "Podium". Which would make the "Phallus" standing there basically a ..............ahem......
Have I got this right?
A deep and serious question for Francoise
by expatbrit infrancoise old chap:.
it has been noted that in several threads you have commented on how wonderful conventions are for, to quote your elegant phrase, "getting laid".. this raises questions in the minds of us (me?
) who never had any success whatsoever in this worthwhile endeavour.
My conjugal exploits at conventions were limited to making eye contact seven times with the same young sister as we walked clockwise around the stadium in a group. (The sisters walked anti-clockwise. It was traditional.)
The tradition of walking in opposing circles around a central focus is a vestige of pagan rites in honor of Maya or Maia, the Virgin Goddess of Spring. May was the traditional month of "wearing of the green" in honor of the Earth Mother's new garment, and of fornicating in plowed fields to encourage the crops. May was a "honey-moon" of sexual freedom throughout rural Europe up to the 16th century. Marriage bonds were temporarily in abeyance.May Eve was the great springtime festival of "witches," (not to be confused with "white trash bitches"), corresponding to Halloween at the opposite pole of the year. May Eve was known in Germany as Walpurgisnacht, in Ireland and Scotland as Beltaine or Baltein, when the god Baal, Bel, or Balder was burned in effigy.
The god's phallus was planted in the earth's womb in the guise of the Maypole, which was not originally European but a direct borrowing from India where the Maypole is still "the great lingam."
All true Christians should avoid this activity of such obvious pagan origin.
Complement a Poster
by Black Man inhere's your chance to complement a poster whose posts make you think, make you mad, make you laugh, make you cry.
i usually find something that i dig in everybody's post around these parts.
but i'll single out some peeps in particular.
Thanks, Venice, for returning my little black book!
Some of my clients had been complaining about the recent decline in quality service and will be pleased to learn that it's back in competent hands.
It's rather tragic, but some had even been hospitalized for bosom overload.
Sorry to rush off--Bonanza's on! Love that Hoss!
Ginny Tosken, S.C.S.
Atheists at it again
by Rex B13 inthe site changed but the atheist proseletyzing continues.
isn't it odd how our two norwigs compliment each other in their attacks on god and the bible?
well, simon, you now have the honor of hosting a platform for the true apostates to spew their anti-god venom.. this kind of thing is sadly typical of those who leave the wts.
I'm also waiting.
Francois is Waiting?
Hey, Simon! Another multiple!
Ginny (who would never have guessed)
Complement a Poster
by Black Man inhere's your chance to complement a poster whose posts make you think, make you mad, make you laugh, make you cry.
i usually find something that i dig in everybody's post around these parts.
but i'll single out some peeps in particular.
If all my favorite posters we're written down, the internet could not contain them!!!!
Kind of like your little black book, eh Venice?
For what it's worth, you have earned my respect with this post. I think you did a beautiful job explaining why you reacted as you did and expressed your dislike of certain aspects of Jan's behavior without condemning him as a person.
In the "Public Apology" thread, you said:
Besides, I once tried to buy a couple of white girls, but they didn't have change for a penny!
Showing sensitivity and understanding is truly "big" behavior in my book. Once the girls get wind of this, they'll be waiting in line to be your sugar mama.
And I thought the "big" in Bigboi only referred to your conception of your anatomical prowess. Riz, where's that ruler?
In the name of belated wisdom
by Kent inif we take a critical view on the last weeks events on this board, there is maybe a thing or two to consider.
the board has seen a kind of war, and sarcasms and caustic remarks have been more the rule than the exception in some threads.
usually these ends up adding something positive to the community or the forum where the war raged, and its much like a thunderstorm.
Uncle Bruce,
just can't stomach what they see as the arrogant self righteousness and anti-watchtower bile of the big apostates. (iconoclasts to a man)
--Uncle Bruce, "In the Name of Belated Wisdom" thread
Who are these arrogant, self-righteous "big apostates"?
Simple - I believe it's the height of cowardise to abuse people here, you wouldn't dare in real life (thus my mauling of alan the other day)ple here anymore than we would in real life? Why be a gutless wonder by forming an asshole club in a vain attempt to cover your tracks? (not refering to you personally of course)
--Uncle Bruce, "Profanity and Evil" thread
Where did you maul Alan? Did I miss it?
Who formed the "asshole club"? Norm? You call it a "vain attempt to cover your tracks." Norm's tracks? Norm explained why he wrote the initial post. Are you calling him a liar?
the moderation here is best left up to us little guys .. known to the highbrow wife-beating assholes as the Seinfeld gang.
--Uncle Bruce, "The Asshole Wars" thread
Who are these "highbrow wife-beating assholes"?
How is this comment consistent with:
But your choice of words is the very core of what I've been yammering about for the past week.--Teejay, "Public Apology" thread