I'm all for "cultural enrichment and gymnastic enlightenment!"
And . . .ummmm . . . how long was this pole?
not long after a fifteen year old duncan had outraged his teachers and surprised his peers by leaving behind a promising academic career to regular pioneer and wash windows, a telegraph pole wearing green pants knocked at my door.
as i was expecting a visit from the local constabulary, for reasons noted below; the pole was a pleasant surprise.
the pole was a actually a jw, the plainest and longest man i had ever seen, with a mighty grin capable of felling empires and, i was to discover, also the possessor of a formidable intellect.
I'm all for "cultural enrichment and gymnastic enlightenment!"
And . . .ummmm . . . how long was this pole?
i saw a report on tv about the church of jesus chrisht of latter day saint and they have a lot in common with the jw.
they go from door to door and as the jw, they believe that they are here to save the world.
do you think that this church will become more popular while the watchtower is losing his popularity?
At least Mormons get to wear special sacred underwear.
P.S. Whatever happened to Seven006's old pal, ExmormonRobertson, anyway? He was a funny guy!
See also: "Playing on the exMormon board"
page 1 of the latest watchtower magazine drops a bombshell.
in paragraph 2, speaking of the pre-flood world in noah's era, it states: "the world that perished was civilized, with cities, artistic achievements, scientific knowledge.".
link with complete citations and my personal opinion on past advanced civilizations:.
From The Boomer Bible by R.F. Laird
Chapter 5
1 But in spite of the apple and sin and guilt and the Covenant,
2 The Chosen Tribe also believed that God loved them,
3 Even if he had a funny way of showing it,
4 Such as threatening to destroy everyone in the world,
5 Which he did every so often,
6 Like whenever he got mad.
7 And then one time when he was really mad,
8 He went ahead and did it,
9 And destroyed everybody in a tremendous flood,
10 Except for Noah and the passengers he took on his ark,
11 Which wasn't the same ark they kept the Covenant in,
12 Because when Noah asked for help in building his,
13 The leaders told him that one ark was enough for any Chosen Tribe,
14 And if Noah couldn't see that,
15 He must have a screw loose,
16 Or words to that effect.
17 And so Noah built his own ark,
18 And filled it with two of each kind of animal that wasn't too big to fit inside,
19 Such as dinosaurs,
20 Which were too big to fit,
21 Apparently,
22 And didn't get to go,
23 Although the ark went all the way to Mount Aarat,
24 Thus saving Noah,
25 And making it possible for God to keep showing his love in the oddest possible ways.
More from The Boomer Bible at:
"The History of Writting Can Help us with Genesis!"
i'm reading a book by isaac asimov called:.
the story of origens-.
As for Adam, let us turn our Boomer Bible to Lies chapter 2 . . .
Chapter 2
1 And so it happened that, in time, the apes came to believe that there was only one God,
2 Who had made everything all by himself,
3 In seven days and seven nights,
4 Starting completely from scratch,
5 When everything was null and void,
6 At the beginning.
7 And this was not all they believed,
8 For they also believed that they were descended directly from the first two people on earth,
9 Who were also not apes, but a man named Adam and a rib named Eve,
10 Who started out living in a paradise called the garden of Eden,
11 But got kicked out forever because Eve committed a great sin,
12 By eating an apple she got from a serpent,
13 Which turned out to be a bad apple,
14 Because the serpent was really the devil,
15 And the apple was really the knowledge of good and evil,
16 Which Eve should have left alone,
17 Because the apple turned out to be responsible for everything wrong in the world,
18 Including the Curse,
19 The Mark of Cain,
20 The Whore of Babylon,
21 The Wrath of God,
22 The Day of Judgment,
23 And much more besides,
24 Especially sin and guilt, which everyone is full of from birth,
25 So that there is no good and no peace of mind, except from the one God,
26 Whose name is Yahweh,
27 But isn't to be mentioned out loud,
28 By anyone.
29 Nor was this all they believed.
Chapter 3
1 They believed that God had Chosen them especially as his own tribe,
2 Like pets,
3 And given them all manner of special treatment,
4 Including great leaders like Abraham,
5 Who tried to sacrifice his son Isaac because God told him to,
6 Although God spared Isaac, because he was only kidding about the sacrifice,
7 So that Isaac had sons of his own,
8 Who were Jacob and Esau,
9 One of whom had a hairy birthright,
10 And something happened between them,
11 Something too complicated to remember.
12 Nor was this all they believed.
Chapter 4
1 They believed that after getting Chosen as God's special tribe,
2 Their wisest leaders worked out a written contract with God,
3 Called a Covenant,
4 Which spelled everything out pretty clearly,
5 About who was supposed to do what.
6 For example, if God yelled "Jump!" at the Chosen Tribe, they were supposed to ask, "How high?" and then get right to it,
7 No matter what it was God wanted.
8 In return for this sort of behavior, God agreed to look after the Chosen Tribe in his own special way,
9 Seeing to it, for example, that the Chosen Tribe would be specially singled out for persecution by every other tribe on earth,
10 Forever.
11 When they saw what a great Covenant they had made,
12 The Chosen Tribe built a special ark to keep it in,
13 So that they could read it whenever they got confused,
14 Which was plenty,
15 What with one thing and another.
Chapter 5
1 But in spite of the apple and sin and guilt and the Covenant,
2 The Chosen Tribe also believed that God loved them,
3 Even if he had a funny way of showing it,
4 Such as threatening to destroy everyone in the world,
5 Which he did every so often,
6 Like whenever he got mad.
7 And then one time when he was really mad,
8 He went ahead and did it,
9 And destroyed everybody in a tremendous flood,
10 Except for Noah and the passengers he took on his ark,
11 Which wasn't the same ark they kept the Covenant in,
12 Because when Noah asked for help in building his,
13 The leaders told him that one ark was enough for any Chosen Tribe,
14 And if Noah couldn't see that,
15 He must have a screw loose,
16 Or words to that effect.
17 And so Noah built his own ark,
18 And filled it with two of each kind of animal that wasn't too big to fit inside,
19 Such as dinosaurs,
20 Which were too big to fit,
21 Apparently,
22 And didn't get to go,
23 Although the ark went all the way to Mount Aarat,
24 Thus saving Noah,
25 And making it possible for God to keep showing his love in the oddest possible ways.
Chapter 6
1 And so it came to pass that Noah begat a son,
2 Who begat a son,
3 And so forth,
4 And so on,
5 Until there were a lot of people again,
6 Which convinced God that it was time to destroy some more things,
7 Such as Sodom and Gomorrah,
8 Which wasn't really God's fault,
9 Because he warned everybody not to try dating his Angels,
10 Which they went ahead and tried anyway,
11 Resulting in lots of fire and brimstone from you know who,
12 Which didn't kill Lot,
13 Because Lot didn't try to date any Angels,
14 Although it did kill Lot's wife,
15 Who didn't try to date any Angels either,
16 But she was a woman,
17 And God thought he'd like her better if she was something else instead,
18 Maybe something quieter,
19 And so he turned her into a pillar of salt,
20 Which stopped her from talking,
21 Completely.
i'm reading a book by isaac asimov called:.
the story of origens-.
Let us refer in our Boomer Bible to Gods 6:23-24 and Lies 1:1-6.
Chapter 6
1 But then it happened, after seven years of plenty of everything, that things went wrong,
2 As they often do,
3 And there wasn't any rain, and the crops were pitiful,
4 And the game got scarce,
5 And one of the neighboring tribes invaded the valley and took away most of the virgins, as well as plenty of heads and other body parts.
6 Whereupon the apes cried out angrily to the priests, saying,
7 "Hey, we don't understand this at all.
8 "What about all the food and weapons and body parts we've given to the Gods?
9 "Have they forgotten about us already?
10 "Honestly, we're very discouraged with the whole thing."
11 The priests considered the words of the tribe very carefully,
12 For about six weeks,
13 Which was way too long,
14 But at last the priests triumphantly announced that they had the answer,
15 And the people crowded around to listen, saying,
16 "This had better be good."
17 So the priests cried aloud, in a high, shaky voice, saying,
18 "The Gods have become bored with your offerings,
19 "Which are puny and insignificant, consisting of little more than food and weapons and body parts, and every once in a while, a virgin.
20 "The Gods need more than small change if they are to go on giving you rain and crops and so forth."
21 "Well, then, what do they want?" asked the tribe, and beads of sweat stood out on their forehead.
22 "They want monuments and temples, made of stone, with plenty of writing on them, singing the praises of the Gods, as well as prayers and idols and that sort of thing."
23 "What is writing?" asked the tribe. "We have not heard of this before. Is it hard to get? Does it involve killing?"
24 But the priests smiled broadly, and replied, "Writing is not hard at all. It does not involve killing, but you'll like it anyway."
25 And then the tribe was well content, saying,
26 "We'll get right to it, then. But what is a temple?"
27 And the priests smiled, saying, "Don't worry. We'll explain everything as we go."
Chapter 7
1 And so it happened that the apes called men went to work for their Gods, building many great monuments and temples,
2 And writing many praises and prayers and other inscriptions in stone,
3 So that seven times seven generations of their race worshiped the same Gods and invented all manner of things to please them,
4 Including many elaborate ceremonies intended to honor the Gods in their temples,
5 And many new cities in which to build temples and other monuments to the Gods,
6 And wars against other tribes which did not worship the same Gods,
7 And who therefore needed to have their cities and monuments and temples destroyed,
8 Completely and utterly,
9 And their fields burned and sown with salt,
10 And their women raped,
11 And their people enslaved,
12 So that even bigger temples and monuments could be built,
13 To sing the praises of the great, generous Gods who had made the earth and the seas and the beasts of the field,
14 And who had made the cleverest of the apes into a powerful nation of priests and warriors and builders and writers,
15 Which was the greatest gift of all,
16 And which was called civilization.
Chapter 1
1 From the time that the first pictogram was inscribed on a rock, the ape called man recorded words of all descriptions on rocks and stones of all descriptions.
2 As the inscriptions grew old and became one with the stone they defaced, the apes came to believe that the words were wise.
3 And as generation followed generation,
4 New inscriptions were added to the old, and the apes believed these too because they were written in stone,
5 And if it happened that one inscription said something different from another inscription,
6 The priests were there to explain everything.
from The Boomer Bible by R.F. Laird
i am, and always have been, intrigued by human behavior.
i love people watching!
on my first date with neil, we went to a restaurant and sat at a table in the bar.
. . . and I'll let you borrow my tube top as soon as Ginny's done with it .
I loaned your tube top to Britney, Ven.
See Funkyderek's post in "Post favorite Brittany Pics here...."
i have a five-year old daughter and i've been fully inactive for about 3 years.
so she got a limited degree of jw exposure as an infant.
most of my immediate family are still witnesses, but we don't have dealings with them on any regular basis.
A few of us here on the board discussed similar issues on a thread awhile back:
"How do you spell God?"
My son just turned 11. I don't try to protect him from being exposed to the Jehovah's Witnesses's beliefs, or any others, for that matter. When he asks questions, such as, "Why doesn't Grandpa hang up Christmas lights?" "Why doesn't Grandpa come over on my birthday?" I explain why, prefacing my remarks with, "Some people believe . . ." If the beliefs seem really strange to him, he'll usually ask, "Why do they believe that?" Then I explain some more.
I watch him sit and mull this stuff over. After he's had some time, I'll ask him, "What do you think of that? Does it make sense to you?" Usually he spots a few problems with the beliefs himself. Sometimes I'll point out some others. I figure this is good practice. He needs to understand and beware of logical fallacies; I won't always be there to protect him from harmful beliefs.
We've attended the Unitarian-Universalist church together, a group that satisfies my own spiritual needs very well. It gives me space and quiet to contemplate what I value. I enjoy the music, the fellowship, and the affirmations. The children study many different belief systems, and I like that my son is getting this exposure.
While I consider myself an agnostic, my son is leaning towards atheism. He was very troubled by the movie Titanic--"Why didn't God answer those people's prayers?" I don't have a good answer for him.
What is even stranger to consider is that at his age I was preparing for baptism as one of Jehovah's Witnesses--entering into a contract for which I'd be held liable 10 and 20 years later. I can't imagine encouraging or allowing my son to do something like that.
i feel quite sure that the harangued and harassed souls on this board who this week were being mercilessly hounded by the gb in their cowardly guise as appointed elders looking for da signatures on pieces of paper, take great comfort in the following statements in the december 15th 2001 wt.
these da, letters of course are a requirement from god and have nothing to do with the solidification of any pharisaical legal position.. 11. from a study of biblical and secular evidence, we can conclude that the pharisees thought highly of themselves as guardians of the public good and the national welfare.
they were not satisfied that gods law was fundamentally clear and easily understood.
See also: "How Do You Handle Hypocrisy?"
it was opening night at the orpheum, and the amazing claude was topping the bill.
people came from miles around to see the famed hypnotist do his stuff.. as claude took to the stage, he announced, unlike most stage hypnotists who invite two or three people up onto the stage to be put into a trance, i intend to hypnotise each and every member of this audience.. the excitement was almost electric as claude withdrew a beautiful antique pocket watch from his coat.. i want you each to keep your eye on this antique watch.
special watch.
I think Gilwarrior is really Mojo Jojo!
Want me to get him, Blossom?
i must be honest here, one of the main reasons that i chose to depart the jws was so that i could have more sex.
actually, thats not quite true, when i say have more sex, i really mean to say have sex with more girls.
it feels so good to be honest, doesnt it?
Friday night somehow seems appropriate for a reprise of "No Nookies in Nero's!"