The GB really has reached the nadir in scum-bucketness, saying a little child should donate to them instead of buying an ice-cream.
Is there any more vile a religion except for the religious extremists in ISIS (no sports, no fun) for treating children so horribly than the JW's?
No birthdays, Easter, Christmas (accordingly viewed as a weirdo by schoolmates), no after-school sports, children forced to sit through dull, boring long meetings twice a week with no separate programme for the little ones like other churches do, babies and children to die rather than get an emergency life-saving blood transfusion, a paedophile in every congregation who is almost impossible to kick-out, must go door-knocking as a child magazine seller.....
You can tell the morality of any society or religion by how well it treats it's children, and JW's scrape the bottom of the barrel.
The GB make me puke!