JoinedTopics Started by sitcomkid
A Major Announcement next weekend
by JWRESEARCH ina huge announcement will be made in the end of watchtower study next weekend.
we may post here the main issue soon.
Why the WT Society is DOOMED!
by Gill inyesterday morning i was listening to 'thought for the day', on radio 4 bbc.. a rabbi was discussing why the jewish faith had survived for thousands of years.. he pointed out that the centre of the faith was the children.
because the children were put first they wanted to stay in the faith as the faith respected them and so they respected the faith in return.. the problem with the wt society is that it puts itself first and the children are just a nuisance to be sat silent in meetings, disciplined for wriggling, talking, and just being children.
the leaders of the wt despise children and only love themselves, giving only lip service to the care children should receive and more importantly the respect children should receive.. therefore, with offspring of jws leaving the wt at the rate of only 1 in every 8 children remaining, the writing is on the wall of the watchtower society.
Challenge to Christians to read this! What do you make of this?
by chrisjoel inthe gospel story, with its figure of jesus of nazareth, cannot be found before the gospels.
in christian writings earlier than mark, including almost all of the new testament epistles, as well as in many writings from the second century, the object of christian faith is never spoken of as a human man who had recently lived, taught, performed miracles, suffered and died at the hands of human authorities, or rose from a tomb outside jerusalem.
there is no sign in the epistles of mary or joseph, judas or john the baptist, no birth story, teaching or appointment of apostles by jesus, no mention of holy places or sites of jesus career, not even the hill of calvary or the empty tomb.
My Mom quotes recent religion attrition rate survey AT me!!!!
by inkling inso i am having a "conversation" with my mom about how .
we are living during the end of the world and how close armageddon.
is and whatnot, and in making her case she goes:.
My First Witness to a Witness
by Cold Creek Swimmer inso, i don't start many topics here, but i felt this needed to be shared.
i had just landed at the airport and was walking out of the concourse when i noticed a stand that had been set up by an obviously married older witness couple.
they were very patiently waiting behind their counter covered with the latest publications.