OH! The CO is coming...OH! The CO is coming.....BFD!! I never quite understood why the BOE got so ruffled when he came. I mean, they were all brothers in the lord, right? Did they have something to hide? It was kinda like a spot inspection in the military. Everything had to be just so, as though it hadn't been all along? He wore his pants the same way I did. I even supplied him with some of his clothes at times, cuz I felt sorry or his taste in clothes.
Some of those Co's have long since dropped off the scene, and our families are still our families. I have known Co's that had affairs with other sisters in the congs that they serviced. I have known CO's that liked their booze. I have played golf with them and have NEVER been intimidated by ANY of them. My cousin was a substitute CO and he was the just like you and me.
Most of them are doing a job, others take it very seriously, and make each member of the cong feel like they OWE an accounting to them. So WHAT!!?? They're on their way out anyways and then you'll have a local elder feeling his oats, like he's something SPECIAL now?
Start calling them by their first name and see their response.....BROTHER?? I'm just like you my friend, just hanging in here like you.