LifesNotOver...You are not in denial, in fact you are getting a reality check. You realized the truth about your relationship 12 years ago, when you ran away. Although desperate, it was a brave action to take, but you found the strength to do what you had to do at that time, and you will again if you have to.
As far as counseling, please google the number and address of your nearest Crime Victims Council, or Victims Services Organization, and ask if they have therapy sessions available for you. I receive counseling with the Crime Victims Council, and it is free. They also provide advocacy and support for people who have to go to court, and they might be able to connect you with other support groups or even temporary housing if you choose to leave. At any rate, get help from professionals who will help you create an "escape plan" in case it becomes necessary. If more immediate action is required, go to your nearest emergency room at the local hospital, and tell them that you are being abused. It is now required that hospitals and many doctors offices screen patients for abuse/domestic violence, and they will have you speak to a Social Worker or DV counselor to access services. There is so much out there to offer you help. You never have to live a miserable life with an abuser, just waiting for him to die. Whatever you do, DO NOT tell the JW's what you are planning to do, and NEVER trust elders or anyone else at the KH to help you with your problems. Move quietly and swiftly and use the services of people who can actually help you.