JoinedTopics Started by chickpea
What are your most hated JW words and phrases?
by Low-Key Lysmith inmine are, in no particular order:.
"the friends".
Time again for........ Congregation roll call
by Jourles init's been a while since this topic has been brought up.
use it as a chance to see if there is someone you might know from years past.
1973-1976 --- lakeside, ca??
JWs who were actually cool
by Black Man inwe always talk about the crazy j-dub fundy types, but i knew some cool jws (co, do, bethelites, pio) during my time.
this is kind of a "where are they now" post along with acknowledginig some jws who were cool and down-to-earth.
as with most "cool" and good people in the borg, most of them are either not jws anymore (burned out) or are not "serving" in responsible positions (funny how that works, isn't it).
The Jay-Dub GRIN
by GetBusyLiving in.
remember that cheesy shit-eating dub grin that you would get from attendents and such after missing a bunch of meetings
DRAMA SUMMARY: 2005 District Convention - Pursue Goals That Honor God
by ithinkisee ini forgot how ridiculously fictional and manipulative this drama was until i just typed up these notes:.
jonathan enters, and everything is better.
just created a site
by jwfacts ini just put together a site that tries to logically show the witnesses are not the true religion.
just wondering how to get the information out to people that most need it.
also any ideas on how to get the site found by search engines.
STOP Talking to Your Family OR ELSE!
by UnDisfellowshipped in" (the watchtower july 1st 1963 issue, page 411).
" (the watchtower july 1st 1963 issue, page 413).
" (the watchtower july 15th 1963 issue, page 446).
Who Pays The Ferryman....?
by hillary_step infrench philosopher blaise pascal once noted, "men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction.
" a case study for this statement can clearly be evidenced by the governing body of jehovahs witnesses.. the gb present themselves as lovers of truth and righteousness who are the only persons on this planet who speak for god.
this doctrine is at the very core of the beliefs of jehovahs witnesses and is one of the few that cannot be rationalized away by wts apologists.
For Non-Cat Lovers
by waiting ini received this letter 13 years ago - and wickedly hung onto it for just an occasion as this:.
dear madam:.
i know you are always interested in looking for opportunities for investment.