Neither of us have felt the need to be incognito but we all know that user names can change depending on the site we are on. I have looked at the membership list and it is so vast, it is overwhelmning to me. I am sure that he was here. Perhaps studying more than posting.
He was on a mission to debunk our mom and get her out of the JWs. When he died, my mom was so happy when we found piles of W&A magazines and a number of books in his home. She knew that he was still interested and studying The Truth. She now knows that he will be with her in the New World. I didn't have the heart to tell her the real Truth....
Whether I find Lee here or not has no longer become my goal. From reading this site, I am gaining greater insight into myself and why I am the way I am. Fiercely independant and shy away from anyone who trys to control me in any way. Why I have ZERO fear of death. That others, too, where silently going through the same things I was and they, too, became self destructive. Why I was so wild when I walked away. I am sure I will discover other things about me. I am now here for me.
I am amazed when I read threads here at the power the JWs hold over people. How hard it is for them to walk away. I struggled with some it, too. The guilt was my biggest trip. But, it seemed easier for me than others. I guess it is because I saw 1975 come and go and NOTHING happened. I had walked away 1 year prior but I still believed. I was tired of the control. I knew I was not going to survive Armageddon. I made a concious decision to die. I decided that Paradise Earth under the control of this mean, hateful G-d was not where I wanted to spend eternity. It sounded like a horrible place. So, as the fall of 1975 approched, I was ready - and then, big fat NOTHING! LOL Wow, truthfully, it took me a couple of years to really open my eyes and realise that is was all a farse.
I just shake my head at people who join this cult after all the false prophocies. Afterall, I was born into it and was brainwashed from birth, perhaps while still in the womb. I remember my mom being pregnant with my little brothers and she would read the W&A to them...... I am amazed at how the JWs spin and twist their history and how people get sucked into it - go figure!
Thank you, all. This is an amazing place. You all seem to be so tolerant of each other and the vast beliefs we have all formed since leaving.