I can imagine how hurtful that must be. So the insurance is too high for him to drive the car in his name, so he goes along with the lie to put it in your name, and that he is an occasional driver, when he drives it all the time. Wow. Okay to lie for convenience and still shun your mom who helped you. That's sad.
JoinedPosts by GetOverIt
Shunned again
by tak inmy son called me yesterday, first time in probably 6 weeks, because he lost his car keys, the car is in my name, so i had to get another set from the dealership.
anyways, it doesn't really matter what he called about, it was just in 6 weeks he only calls because he needs something, not a peep before that (very hurtful).
a brother drove him to my office and it was quittin time so i went outside with him and gave him the keys, i was hurt and didn't say much to him.
Matt. 25:31-46
by GetOverIt ini came upon this scripture after writing down a dream i had about separating the sheep from the goats.
as i read further into the scripture, jesus talks about the clothing, feeding, thirsting, sickness, etc.
of individuals and those on the right met those needs for him (those in that situation).
Thanks for all your responses. I've been gone about 4 years and I can't really remember how it has been made application. This is a great board. I appreciate the timely responses. And on a national holiday too!
Matt. 25:31-46
by GetOverIt ini came upon this scripture after writing down a dream i had about separating the sheep from the goats.
as i read further into the scripture, jesus talks about the clothing, feeding, thirsting, sickness, etc.
of individuals and those on the right met those needs for him (those in that situation).
I came upon this scripture after writing down a dream I had about separating the sheep from the goats. As I read further into the scripture, Jesus talks about the clothing, feeding, thirsting, sickness, etc. of individuals and those on the right met those needs for him (those in that situation). I was wondering how this applies to JW's, as they don't believe in doing charity work. They seem to thinking that field service is enough. I wonder how they would make application of this scripture. I'd like to ask my mother, but she'd flip her wig, and get mad like she normally does.
Is California Burning?
by compound complex init's bad here.
the air is thick, gray and burnt.
my lungs ache.
I live in Sacramento and own a business in the Fairfield/Vacaville area. It's horrible out here (and there) :). Had to reorder my asthma medication. The air is so thick with smoke and residual pollutants from the fires. They canceled my kids last day of school field day tomorrow, due to the air quality.
Tossed out of the District Convention! What did I do wrong? I exist!!
by Terry inthis is a stupid story if it is a story at all..... quentin and i decided we'd go to the district convention since it is right here in our home town.. why?.
oh, curiousity.
a desire to find my old prison buddies.
So where was her love? Perhaps you had rethought your feelings and wanted to come back to Jehovah. How dare she. She will be judged by God for that, for sure. I'm sorry that happened to you. I'm actually glad you didn't react because that would have solidified their thoughts of you as an evil apostate.
Do your words count on J.W.D. ?
by caliber insometimes you have a topic that lights up the board, a virtual flow of thoughts and expressions, other times you.
feel like just a extra pint of water going over niagara falls !
are the words you type here like yesterdays .
Yeah I'm feeling kind of lost in here too which is why I hadn't posted as much, based on how long I've been a member but hey, then I recently decided. I can still say what I feel, ask a question or too because it'll get picked up or someone may come on several months from now and it be of value to them. sorry about long run on sentences. LOL!
Faders: When You Left, did Anyone Give a Damn?
by shamus100 init seems funny to hear how some get love bombed, others get left alone when they fade.
i moved and told nobody - by the time they figured i was 'weak', it was too late - i was gone.
so honestly, what was it like for you when you left the 'organization'?
Outside of family and two or three friend, no one has noticed I'm gone.
Question for all those who feel/felt like God was not there for them or didn't love them. Is it because you're equating God with the JW organization? Just wondering. Thanks.
Yes, most definitely and still do down to this day. If you get (or got) caught up in expecting the congregation to be this warm, loving and inviting group of people, as all the KM's said they would be, you will surely be disillusioned, as I was. However, Jehovah's love for me was ever present. Even when I didn't think he was there, he always was. Which really shocked me when I stopped associating. I still felt his love and presence. The more I sought him out and studied the Bible, the brigher HIS light (not the organizations) light would shine. He still loves me. It has nothing to do with being affiliated with the JW organization. God's chruch is his people. We are the members of the body of christ, praise God.
"Outing" yourself
by sooner7nc inthis question may be stupid, and if so, let the flaming begin.
has anyone ever used this website as the vehicle to "out" themselves from the wt?
would the mods allow this to happen, or would they quash the attempt as soon as it started.
I put my picture up here because I just don't care. In my introduction I shared my story and every bit of it is true. So if they find I'm important enough to watch, then perhaps I'll put up a picture worth looking at. LOL!