I can identify with Jack, as I would observe my sister and my mother-in-law gushing about what a wonderful time they had in fs, how they love it so much, etc. I would wonder why I didn't feel that at all. I am almost 60 years old and have been associated with JW's since I was a toddler (my mom studied and became a JW.) I pioneered as all good JW kids right out of high school should, (my mom now revealed to me that I had received an invitiation to attend the Parsons School of fashion Design in NY, but she naturally rejected that offer!) and I hated it so much! I was alone walking the blocks most of the time (did this for almost 5 years.) I would find ways to "fudge" my report and make good use of "rubber back-calls" - any oldtimers will know what that means. I would feel so guilty about hardly ever reaching the 100 hour a month quota, and received the dreaded "pioneer letter" to chasten me and "encourage" me to get my time in or else!! Pioneering gave my mom something to brag about, but she hardly ever joined me or helped me out when I was alone which was most of the time.
The only thing I can think of that was rather fun was when we (as kids) used to be asked to give demos at the service meetings. In those days, props, humor, constumes, etc. were allowed and always used for these skits. We laughed alot, but of course the WTS put an end to that - can't have fun at the expense of serious religious instruction!!
I have been fading for almost 7 years, and a few months ago "came out" to my husband to let him know I will never again go in fs, and will not submit to the meeting schedule demands ever again. He has virtually stopped asking me to go with him to the kh. The elders are now asking to make a "shepherding call" on me. I told my hubby that if they begin to really question me and my position, I will not back down this time. (The WT headquarters called my PO last year after they received a letter from me questioning the "new light on blood", and had him and another elder pay a visit to make sure Imy thinking was adjusted. I believe they just wanted to keep me from talking to others about it.) I sat and smiled and nodded during that last visit to pacify my husband,but I will not do that this time.
Anyway, there wasn't much I loved, but I was a dutiful dub all those years, making every meeting (played the piano accompaniment for the songs all my life) studying everything and making sure I read all the mags, etc. to the point where one time my husband accused me of being a fanatic and caring about other people more than about him (I worked, raised a son with whom I regularly studied, and had four bible studies at that time - no wonder he said what he did!)
I feel so free now1