JoinedTopics Started by Cynisister
New Policy on Inactive Ones?
by Cynisister inthis may have been discussed, but i just recently was told that a km this past year stated that inactive ones are now to be treated as if they are df'd.
is this so?
Voting a conscience matter??
by Cynisister inhappy new year one and all!,.
the local elders sent a letter home with my hubby, pretty much stating that after "many" attempts to visit and speak with me, this letter is once again asking to meet because it came to their attention that i voted in the last pres.
Letter from elders
by Cynisister inthe local elders have been trying to visit me (my hubby still attends meetings and he has told them i don't wish to speak with them), they left a copy of a watchtower (on helping inactive ones to return) in my door when i was not at thome, and this last sunday asked my husband if it's ok to write me a letter saying this is what they have to do.
they can't freely stop by as we have large dogs that would keep them out.. does anyone know if this is going to result in my being df'd??
i don't want that to happen yet as my husband's parents who are quite elderly, would be devastated.
DC Talk on Generaton
by Cynisister inas i will not be in attendance for this year's district convention, i would love to know exactly what the talk on the new meaning of "generation" actually states.
i visited my recently widowed mother (who found the "truth" when i was a toddler, and therefore i was raised in the religion - quit it totally 3 years ago) and had a lively discussion on the implications of this "new light".
she seemed really disturbed about all the "new anointed" ones coming out of nowhere.
What Scholar said this?
by Cynisister inin the dec. 15, 08 wt (i just scan the mags that my still "loyal" hubby brings home from the kh to see if there's any "new light') a supposed scholar is quoted in par.
6 of page 17 as saying in regard to acts 20:20: "paul had spent three years in ephesus.
he visited every house, or at least he preached to all of the people.
BS Change
by Cynisister injust wanting some confirmation regarding this letter on eliminating the bs arrangement.
if it is going to be read tomorrow apr.
27th, i think i just may attend with my faithful hubby to hear it myself.
Lengthening the "Conclusion of this system of things."
by Cynisister inhello, i'm new, and for the present must put on the appearance of a loyal witness for the sake of family, but by patience is wearing quite thin these days.
more about me at another time.. has anyone noticed that the wts has once again changed the meaning of "generation" in the newest watchtower (feb. 15, '08 issue)?
they are connecting it in a weird way to the brothers of joseph.