NO ONE should change the word of the King.
He is calling on all the be baptised in the name of the TRINITY, God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Ghost.
if this has been answered before, just point me in the right direction.
matthew 28:19 says to be baptized in the "name of the father, and of the son, and of the holy ghost.
" what is the justification used in jehovah's witnesses changing this.
NO ONE should change the word of the King.
He is calling on all the be baptised in the name of the TRINITY, God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Ghost.
i feel the need to ramble.. as some of you may have detected, i at times have doubts and questions about the personality and qualities of god and the bible.
however i am still clinging to a good amount of my faith in their goodness.
this is why i am now, as some of you have in the past, studying deeply and looking for myself into what the bible says.
You got it, LOOKING.
Let God guide you in your bible study, and serve Him and love him knowing that the time is near. But do not worry about WHEN. Forget timelines because it is not for us to know the exact times and dates as set by the Father. ONLY the Father knows.
It is enough for us to know that HE IS coming, and very soon, and we must always live our lives as though it could be tomorrow, for all we know. But do not worry about WHEN exactly, He is coming back, because we do not want to rush the damnation of others who do not beleive now, but just might turn tomorrow.
I love you all! Hugs and a BIIIIIIIIIIIG Kiss
i've spent a good part of the afternoon reading about the judicial committee meeting at i am more determined than ever to reread the new testament and meditate on it anew.. could faith in christ be that simple?
i've beginning to believe that it can.
if i was god, i would keep it simple too.. hugs.
AMEN sweet Jimmer!
Don't any of you let man's foolish rules get in the way! Just BELIEVE, love Him, and do what is right by Him and the Holy Ghost within you!
Hugs and kisses to you all, I love you!
i have posted some of the following info in various other threads i`ve.
started which touch on the matter of jws in japan.however,people continue to ask me `why japanese become jws?`,so i thought i`d put.
down a few of my observations for anyone who might be interested.. as you may or may not have noticed,japan has(had) the fifth largest number of jws in the world.
I actually have a friend in Japan whom I have always wanted to pull away from the JWs, but it is so hard. Her command of English is rather limited, so though we can have simple conversations without trouble, I cannot go into the intricacies of the bible with her. Her English just is not good enough for her to understand me, and I do not know Japanese.
Frustrations abound.....Ah well the Lord's will be done
most of the stuff posted here is negative, hateful, and blasphemous against god.
even if many of you are right in saying that the jws are wrong on many and important issues, that does not make you right.
so unless you are convinced that there is no biblical god you are facing serious trouble when you die or if the lord comes during your lifetime.
Remember that the Pharisees accused Jesus of casting out demons by the Prince of Demons. THAT is true blasphemy. Denying the truth about Jesus, as I once did, calling Him a good man, good teacher, but not God....that is defaming the MAN. Yet I was forgiven, and I know it, for God speaks to me and my husband all the time. Paul too spoke against the MAN in the flesh, but not God. the Father.
Read Isaiah 9:6, John 1:1, Rev. 1, and YOU tell me what you think they mean. All you can say to me is that I have no understanding, and yet you cannot answer me rightly. You will not give me a straight answer in return.
Peace and blessings to you
Peace be with you, beloved SJ!!!
Though there will be Christians during the tribulation hour, these people are not the Bride of Christ Jesus who will be Raptured before the Tribulation.
And all those who were raptured, died during the tribulation or gathered after, will be part of that Great Crowd.
i know that jw's believe that christ was raised from the dead as an importal spiritual being.
i have a problem with this because jesus said that he would be raised in bodily form.
no jw has been able to explain this scripture to me.
Do not fear, beloved one, you are right on in what you have said.
Jesus WAS raised in a new BODY, not in the spirit.
Hold fast to the truth, sweet one, do not let anyone sway you!
I love you all!
most of the stuff posted here is negative, hateful, and blasphemous against god.
even if many of you are right in saying that the jws are wrong on many and important issues, that does not make you right.
so unless you are convinced that there is no biblical god you are facing serious trouble when you die or if the lord comes during your lifetime.
IANAO, I am not changing my beliefs in any way nor would I ever change to suit the status quo.
And I get labeled a fruitcake all the time thanks....
Jesus is fully God AND fully man.You, as Paul did, can be forgiven for blaspheming the MAN.
To Paul, Jesus was just a man, nothing more; to many people around the world, He is just a man, and they speak evil of him all the time, and those that believe He is God.
But some do learn the truth and can be forgiven.
The Tribulation saints and the Bride of Christ (Raptured before the tribulation) will be in heaven.
The bible teaches us that the spirit goes to God in heaven (Ecclesiastes 3:21) and we stay in heaven, in the heavenly city. At the end of the thousand year reign of Christ Jesus, that city will come back down to earth, so there will be heaven on earth