Hey, Im currently going through a custody battle with my little daughter and want to know a list of all medications that contain a blood fragment or fraction at all. My husband has put on his medical directive that he is against all, even the concience ones, so I will be able to use this information to help prove he would not give her adequate care if she ever needed any of those medications. If anyone wants to go above and beyond, it would also be very very nice to know what conditions/illnesses need to be treated with these types of meds. Ive been doing tons of research and am having problems finding things. this is posted in two places, members only and medical so if you see it twice, your not seeing double. This could possible help me a LOT, so any effort is very appreciated.
JoinedPosts by burningbridges
need to know- what meds/ treatments forbidden/doubted by witnesses? court
by burningbridges inhey, im currently going through a custody battle with my little daughter and want to know a list of all medications that contain a blood fragment or fraction at all.
my husband has put on his medical directive that he is against all, even the concience ones, so i will be able to use this information to help prove he would not give her adequate care if she ever needed any of those medications.
if anyone wants to go above and beyond, it would also be very very nice to know what conditions/illnesses need to be treated with these types of meds.
I just dissaciated at the send of 2007. It was becasue I discovered all the pyramid crap that was originally believed by the witnesses. i also just oculd not accept the 1914 teaching that Christ returned then. It says his return will be as obvious as the lightnign in the night sky, not only observed by a few random governig body members who would haev to let everyone else know. In addition to that, the generation teaching has been changed too many times, and if the 1914 teaching was right, it wouldn't have to be "adjusted" so much. It just felt wrong in my heart, all of it, and i couldn't go to the meetings without feeling numb and dead inside.
I am having a bad day
by Vivamus init is wearing me down.. my constant companion in life, my skull-breaking- mind-blowing- daily migraines finally got the better off me six months ago.
i broke down, i cried and cried and cried.
not only cuz of the pain, but more for the fact that painkillers were not helping me anymore.
maybe i skimmed too quick, but did anyone mention rebound headaches? I'd really look into it. If your taking the meds daily its a good possibility. if you get the headaches every day no matter what, why not try a "detox" off the meds (unless their narcotic, then just cut back in case your dependant, you don't want a withdrawl headache)
I am having a bad day
by Vivamus init is wearing me down.. my constant companion in life, my skull-breaking- mind-blowing- daily migraines finally got the better off me six months ago.
i broke down, i cried and cried and cried.
not only cuz of the pain, but more for the fact that painkillers were not helping me anymore.
i'd really try the food allergy thing. my sister is allergic to msg (monosodium glutamate) and when she eats it, even accidentally, a non curable migrain always follows. it is in all salty and fake cheese products (soup, cheese it crackers, all chinese food, crackers, pizza, some regular cheese, ext, its everywhere, research it) you could try going all organic for a week and see how you feel. DONT GIVE UP! your body uses pain as a signal something is wrong, just try to listen, and don't give up hope. My little girl was allergic to thigns I'd eat in my diet when I was nursing and she would cry and cry and scream (colic) but after i went organic and slowly added things back in, BINGO! all cured.... some people's bodies are just extra sensitive, be grateful to God you have such a responsive body!!
Myspace- newly dissacociated and need support! please read
by burningbridges inhey there guys!
my name is brooke, age 26. i am recently dissacociated.
i have just set up a new myspace account and would like any who are on myspace to please put my on their friend list so we can encourage and support each other., i need it!
i started a new thread explaining what happened. just go to my topic history and click on the one about my myspace being closed
Burningbridges: What happened to your myspace site? Were U 4 real?
by WingCommander inor were you just a watchtower troll trying to entrap people that were trying to be nice to you?
i read your site, thought it was nice, added you as a friend, made some comments, and now today your myspace page is gone!!
this kind of crap makes me nervous.
hi, it's me, brooke. Yes I was for real. My husband found out i joined the forum and posted the link to my myspace. he flipped out, closed my account, locked me out of all my accounts, email, everything. i had to leave and go to my moms it was so bad. i left him and went through hell. today i got my house and my daughter, but not until an elder came to my home and "mediated" on our behalf. he is being pyscho, threatening, crazy. yes i was for real, I'm not going anywhere, i'm just going through a real tough time. i prob. will have to get a restraining order on monday
Myspace- newly dissacociated and need support! please read
by burningbridges inhey there guys!
my name is brooke, age 26. i am recently dissacociated.
i have just set up a new myspace account and would like any who are on myspace to please put my on their friend list so we can encourage and support each other., i need it!
IT' ME! my Phycho husband deleted my account, went ape shit on me, changes all my passwords, closed accounts, ext. the only accounthe didnt mess with is my personal banking. thank GOD) I ended up leaving him alast night and am staying at my mom's.... Don't worry guys, I'll set up a new one. He can't delete the forum ya know!!!!
What a crazy man I'm married to!!!! I'm defenetely being emotionally abused.
Myspace- newly dissacociated and need support! please read
by burningbridges inhey there guys!
my name is brooke, age 26. i am recently dissacociated.
i have just set up a new myspace account and would like any who are on myspace to please put my on their friend list so we can encourage and support each other., i need it!
this morniing I felt all alone and abandoned. Now I feel accepted and understood. Thank you. I have changed my profile to public, so any of you who just want to read my blogs, click on this link. there are more than just what is listed, so go to "more blogs" on the right side too.
Myspace- newly dissacociated and need support! please read
by burningbridges inhey there guys!
my name is brooke, age 26. i am recently dissacociated.
i have just set up a new myspace account and would like any who are on myspace to please put my on their friend list so we can encourage and support each other., i need it!
Yes I do have children, we have a two year old girl. So it's very hard for us right now. I left because for the last two years something just didn't seem right. I looked into the history of the witnesses within their own literature and discovered all the failed prophecies from the past and that they have changes NUMEROUS times the year of chirsts return. i firmly do NOT believe that 1914 was the year of the lord's return. My marriage is under a lot of strain, i do not know if it will make it.
Myspace- newly dissacociated and need support! please read
by burningbridges inhey there guys!
my name is brooke, age 26. i am recently dissacociated.
i have just set up a new myspace account and would like any who are on myspace to please put my on their friend list so we can encourage and support each other., i need it!
Hey there guys! My name is Brooke, age 26. I am recently dissacociated. I have just set up a new myspace account and would like any who are on myspace to please put my on their friend list so we can encourage and support each other., i need it! I write blogs on my experiences and personally think their interesting. In addition to adding me as a freind, please feel free to subscribe to my blogs. I am currently writting a book and the more proof i have to show my editor that my written word is accepted by the public, the better odds I have to make it. You guys can help me in more ways than you know. Also, any of you who are still witnesses and want to talk to someone, feel free to chat with me on myspace. I will not try to make you make any decisons, i will only listen and share my own experiences, which are many!!! Have a great day guys!!!
A little about me, I have been married for five years and my husband is still a witness and will NEVER leave. He has anxiety and depression and because he finds it hard to make new relationships, told me he would never leave becasue he can not start over like I can. He won't even listen to me. Recently, they announced from the stage top be wary of new apostates in our hall (me). But I personally do not view myself as that at all. I have a two year old daughter who is my world. I write, I dream, I laugh, I love, and yet lately I struggle due to the problems I am having adjusting to this new life with out the Watchtower. we will make it....
- Brooke