wow. rought boat. As difficult of a thing it is, I also agree that it is best to keep her from them. It may hurt her now, but in the long run it is going to be much better and healthier for her to not be influenced by them. Just think of the potential problems if they hit it off and they start witnessing to her and she wants to go to the hall with them, things like that. They might make remarks to her that are hurtful about holidays, the church she attends, ext. Of course its their "christian duty" to teach them to shun too... and that means you. I like the idea that was suggested that they think that church is family. Also, never forget that kids are way smarter than we give them credit for. You could explain that they have chosen to not have you be a part of their life because you worship God different but that our family doesn't do that to people because we love everyone. (right there that will put a negative condenation with the religion in her mind)
Are thier other older family friends of yours/ neighbors who could fill the roll of "aunt jenni" or "grandma sweetheart" ? The title and the close association might be a good subsitution. My boyfriend had no family, all of his had past as a young boy. However, he grew up with numerous friends of the family that were refered to as "uncle so and so" and such and to this day he feels that they are just as good as family and the bond is just as strong. I think she needs that space in her heart filled, it doesnt necessarily need to be with them.