JoinedTopics Started by burningbridges
I'm not a newbie anymore!!!!!!!
by burningbridges inyea!!!
i'm not a newbie anymore!!!
good for me!!!!
poll/ survey on what you "were" (rank in your hall)
by burningbridges ini wasjust really curious to see what the average of everyone's "history" is here, and also how many "higer ups" we have that have abandoned the ways.
so what were you, an elder?
a pioneer?
sex with divorcing dispouse= forgiveness, can't divorce says the lord?
by burningbridges ini heard some silly thing and did a little research on it.
turns out, if your spouse committs adultery, you are free to remarry (we all know this one).... .
but, did you know, that according to the watchtower, that if you, even so much as commit fornication (play with their genitals) with your spouse again before the divorce is finalized that you have thus symbolized that you have forgiven them and that you no longer have scriptural grounds to divorce them?
trying to remember an old post, can you help?
by burningbridges ina while back i found a great post on the blood issue.
someone took a lot of time to reason out why they felt in their concience that blood was ok. part of the reasoning was due to the examples that jesus provided, for example, no one other than the priests were to partake of the sacrafices at the temple, and yet he ate of them and fed them to his disciples because they were hungry.
also, he pointed out healing on a sabbath and a man pulling out his bull from a pit on the sabbath and christ commenting that who would not pull him out immediately?
Shock and Awe Doctrine/Changes- Watchtower Comments
by burningbridges inhey everybody, i wanted to compile some watchtower / book references of doctrine changes or absolutely horrific comments the watchtower has said to show to my soon to be ex husband (i'm trying to get him to drift, so far it is not working, like at all, but i'm hopeful.
) here's a good example of something that did shock him though!!!!
the watchtower said this about apostates and how they would like to be able to kill them: .
if your considering the memorial tonight, read this!
by burningbridges injust because i know it won't be read tonight, anyone who is going to the memorial this evening should seriously consider john chapter 6:53-57 before hand.
go ahead, research it in your little watchtower cd's... they will attempt to explain it away in with it's "broader" meaning and not its "literal" application.
the truth is apparent to anyone with open eyes, jesus instructed anyone who wanted to have a relationship with him to participate in communion, (yes you do need to evaluate your heart as 1 corinth 11:27-29 says, but this was not told to prevent you from partaking if you were not "annointed" it was said to make sure you knew the seriousness of your relationship with christ) the verses in john were not told to annointed ones, they were told to a crowd of jews, the "john class", the "other sheep".
fpr those who want to know what "cut the pickle tickle tickle" is
by burningbridges inok, so i had a few people ask what "cut the pickle tickle tickle" is, so here it is and i encourage all of you to do it to all the little ones who you love!!!
ok, so you take your two index fingers and put them together (like your pointing, only do with both fingers pointing at each other and have them touch in the middle) tell the child to "cut the pickle" and they take their hand and "cut" your two fingers apart.
when they do, tickle the living heck out of them!!!
Burning Bridges here- got my baby back!!!
by burningbridges inyea!!!
i have my sweet little daughter back in my arms.
i've had her for two days actually, i was just too busy playing "cut the pickle tickle tickle" to write on here!
need to know- what meds/ treatments forbidden/doubted by witnesses? court
by burningbridges inhey, im currently going through a custody battle with my little daughter and want to know a list of all medications that contain a blood fragment or fraction at all.
my husband has put on his medical directive that he is against all, even the concience ones, so i will be able to use this information to help prove he would not give her adequate care if she ever needed any of those medications.
if anyone wants to go above and beyond, it would also be very very nice to know what conditions/illnesses need to be treated with these types of meds.
Myspace- newly dissacociated and need support! please read
by burningbridges inhey there guys!
my name is brooke, age 26. i am recently dissacociated.
i have just set up a new myspace account and would like any who are on myspace to please put my on their friend list so we can encourage and support each other., i need it!