you think??
I don't just think that my prayers were answered. I know that they were.
i know many people, witnesses and nonjws that truly believe that if they prayed to god, he would hear their entreaty and perform some miracle and grant their wishes.. did you believe in the power of prayer?.
you think??
I don't just think that my prayers were answered. I know that they were.
i know many people, witnesses and nonjws that truly believe that if they prayed to god, he would hear their entreaty and perform some miracle and grant their wishes.. did you believe in the power of prayer?.
My prayers were answered. Several times.
mine are.
the carribeansla & las vegasnycnew zealanditaly
In my dream vacation, I would take a year or two to visit as many UNESCO World Heritage Sites as I could.
greetings, friends:.
rather than simply resurrect an old thread (14 december 2006) and get .5 comments, i wanted to explore anew an article from awake!
of september 8, 1987. i thank on the way out for posting the pertinent text that the wtb&ts demands should merit one's scrutiny and subsequent decisive action.
False religion has no future, nor do those who support it. True religion will last forever, along with those who practice it. Make your choice accordingly.
I have made my choice.
I will not be a hypocrite, and tell others to examine their religion, while refusing to submit my own beliefs to the same scrutiny.
I have examined the WTBTS, and found them lacking.
I could no longer stomach the lies; I had to leave.
no joke.
the sister who studied with me is older and she's been having a very hard time getting around out in service, i heard she was ill so i called her and this morning she came by my office and we started to talk, her kids have all moved away and she's lonely, going out in service is hard for her but she tries her best to get out there, she asked me if i would consider a study with her and i said yes.
i miss her terribly, she's the closest thing i've had to a grandmother and i adore her, also i'd rather she be with me indoors instead of walking around house to house when her legs give her so much trouble.
...I have missed her, she helped shape me as a person and she's great company
Lola, you're letting misplaced sentimentality get the better of you. This is one of the most insidious ways in which JWs use the natural affection that we have as human beings against us - forcing people to lie to themselves, and to others, in order to continue or preserve a friendship, or familiar bond. And that is what you are doing, Lola. You are not being truthful to you, or to her.
Remember, the purpose of the JW bible study is not to teach, but to convert and inculcate. And you know the truth behind the Society's lies. It is truly a soul crushing religion. Why, in the name of all that's decent, would you willingly subject yourself to it again?
If she's great company, you can - and should - do various activities with her, as others have suggested. That puts your feelings about her in the proper perspective.
But having a study with her, especially when you know that you no longer believe in the JWs, is not fair to either one of you.
I know that you can't see this situation as clearly as the rest of us do, but at this moment, your relationship with this woman is not based on mutual respect.
Think about it. Please.
no joke.
the sister who studied with me is older and she's been having a very hard time getting around out in service, i heard she was ill so i called her and this morning she came by my office and we started to talk, her kids have all moved away and she's lonely, going out in service is hard for her but she tries her best to get out there, she asked me if i would consider a study with her and i said yes.
i miss her terribly, she's the closest thing i've had to a grandmother and i adore her, also i'd rather she be with me indoors instead of walking around house to house when her legs give her so much trouble.
Why do you need another study with her? Are you not already baptised?
do jws believe that one will be destroyed at armageddon for inward sins, such as lack of love, unforigiveness, doing a 'spiritual' work from wrong motives ('to be seen of men'), lusful thoughts?
sins of omission, like not caring for the poor, not praying for one's enemies or rulers, not thinking of others more often and more highly than yourself?.
are some sins higher up on the sinfulness list, in that only some are 'mortal' sins, and with others, you can still get by?.
How about the commandment, Love Thy Neighbor as Yourself? It does not say, Love Your JW neighbor as yourself.
They even fail at that (Shunning, cliques, abuse of power, etc.).
my new year's resolution is to make the lifestyle change to the vegan-pure vegetarian diet: no animal derived foods.. it is a change i have considered before on different occasions.
i didn't stick with the diet in the past due to lack of information, or perhaps the abundance of misinformation available on the optimum diet.
i've never been grossly overweight, probably never over 170 lbs.
If god didn't intend for us to eat animal, he (or she) wouldn't have made them out of meat.
Well, humans are made out of meat, too.
Just sayin'....
ok, she isn't talking to me.
i got this from the sister that she does talk to.. so, the other day, mentioning that she will soon be laid off(which will be hard for her), she tells my visiting from out of town sister that since she is going to be home, she would adopt a dog and take in a foster child.
while my sister stood there with her mouth hanging open(my mom is over 65!
JWD, does your mother own a computer? If so, perhaps she might consider working at home.
Arise is a company that helps people start up a home based business. You can work in either customer service, sales or tech support. The minimum amount of hours that one has to commit to is 15 hours a week. Maybe this might help your mom with her finances.
The website is
ok, she isn't talking to me.
i got this from the sister that she does talk to.. so, the other day, mentioning that she will soon be laid off(which will be hard for her), she tells my visiting from out of town sister that since she is going to be home, she would adopt a dog and take in a foster child.
while my sister stood there with her mouth hanging open(my mom is over 65!
Your mom sounds lonely. However, that can be remedied by keeping in touch with the children that she has now - all of them.
Your mother's local CWS agency will run a thorough background check, before they even consider placing a child with her. Plus, they do take into account such things as the age of the foster parent, and multiple pet replacements within a given time period. If you feel that she is really going through with this, a word to the CWS agency would not be amiss. You can explain the situation to them, and request that they list you as "Anonymous" in her paperwork.
I realize that this is a sensitive topic, and if I've written anything that makes you uncomfortable, I do apologize. IMHO, it just doesn't make any sense to take on the responsibility of fostering other people's children, while refusing to deal with the ones that you yourself have brought into the world. Plus, we don't need any more children abused by the Society's teachings.