<<The last post, mine, is my literary interpretation of a dream I have had for decades. It involves being surrounded by demonds and stcuk in sleep paralasis. As Witnesses we are taught that if you shout God's name, you will be saved. I had a girlfriend watch me through the entire thing. She said I kept wispering "Jah". That's all I could get out because of the sleep paralasis. I finally woke up, as I always do, screaming "Jehovah". My heart is racing and I'm soaking wet.>>
That's what I thought it was about I didn't want to assume. Some of the wording I wasn't sure. And I have had these type of dreams also. Not very often though. I had my first ones when I was in my early 20's, I'm 37 now. The first time I had them it only lasted for about 3 or 4 days every day. What I experienced was fading off to sleep in the morning after already waking up. Then starting to wake up and feeling like something was crawling into bed with me and holding me down and I could not move or scream like you say in your dreams.
I got very angry at this after it happend for many days in a row and would say Jehovah when I would finally wake up. I actually could tell I was dreaming in my mind and would shake my head to wake myself up. It kept happening for several days and it got to the point where I was not scared anymore and just plain angry. When it happened to me way back then the final time I woke up totally and yelled out knock it off leave me alone, it stopped happening to me for a long time.
I didn't know what it was at the time but with the JW religion I thought I was being attacked but then as I thought about it rationally I thought maybe it was my fears about that and the fact that I got angry and was able to just yell out and scream saying stop this that I was able to confront my fears and that's why it stopped.
It's happened since then off and on but rarely. I've even upon waking have seen things standing in my room like spirits or something. I'm not convinced about it all being Satan. I think it's all in my mind. But I do have to say the subject is interesting if there really is something like that out there. I keep an open mind in all of that. JW's seem to believe any spirit is evil and demons or satan. I think it's possible that people pass on and there spirits are still here sometimes. I don't know I just don't claim to have all the answers.
But I have definately heard about the sleep paralysis thing. From my understanding it's when we just are waking up so we are still in a dream state but partially awake so we can see things that are not there.
Another interesting fact about it is people who are Schizophrenic and see things thatt aren't there basically see things while they are awake just like someone who is dreaming when they are asleep would see.
I've researched this subject.