thanks Matty
please could anyone tell me the dates of the district convention for manchester, england.. do they know what its theme will be?
thanks Matty
please could anyone tell me the dates of the district convention for manchester, england.. do they know what its theme will be?
Sorry to say Matty
Nothing but a box with red X
please could anyone tell me the dates of the district convention for manchester, england.. do they know what its theme will be?
yes I thought I had seen the somewhere also but can't find them. There was a site that posted the "Kingdom Ministry" but its down at the moment.
Born againer
The assemblies in Northenden are Circuit assemblies. Various circuits in the area meet twice a year for either a two day or one day assembly.They use the JW's own assembly hall in Northenden.
A Circuit is a number of JW congregations, a District is a number of Circuits.
The one I was asking about is held in the MEN arena in Manchester, usually beginning of July. THis is a District Convention where are number of circuits combine. The last one I attended about 7 years ago had 19,000 attendance, last year they had 14,000.
The reason I'm asking is that a friend of mine wants to go and do an outreach ministry to the JW's while they are there.
please could anyone tell me the dates of the district convention for manchester, england.. do they know what its theme will be?
Please could anyone tell me the dates of the District Convention for Manchester, England.
Do they know what its theme will be?
the witnesses are all so pure!
ha ha.. seriously though: when you take all the witnesses from all over, how many really are pure and follow the rules perfectly?
how many are really sinning against the wts?
There bound to be something that many of them do behind closed doors or when away from their area.
Couple if incidents come to mind.
Visiting an elder I was sitting in an armchair next to a cabinet that held videos. Looking at them there were , documentaries and films and films ranging from kids to a couple of 15 rated ones, nothing you could say was bad. While sitting there one of his young kids comes in and open the cupboard at the bottom of the cabinet. He opens the door, but doesn't close it when he goes (don't kids get you into trouble). Glancing down I noticed that there must be about twenty 18 rated videos ranging from the violent to the sexy. Plus, this what got me, a couple of "How to improve your Sex life" videos. Before the elder came into the room I closed the cupboard door. I would keep the knowledge of what I saw for later This elder gave a talk two weeks later which included how we as JW's should not watch 18 rated films. Hypocrite!
About ten years ago members of another congregation in our area had to go to meetings at other Kingdom Halls for a couple of months. We were told this was because their KH was being redecorated and modernised, it was in an old building. Three years later when I had left the JW's I went to visit an ex-JW, an elderly lady, who when she was a JW was a pioneer for many years and was considered one of the stalwarts of her congregation. She had belong to the above congregation. I mentioned the time theyhad to come to my KH. She laughed when I told her what we had been told. She said the real reason was because ALL the elders had been removed and a couple of the MS also. Why? Because it seemed that the elders and servant would meet at he KH twice a month. But it was to have a drinking session. One night it got out of hand a fight broke out, splled out into the strreet, police where called, charges of drunk and disorderly brought. Word got to Bethel. London. They sent a couple of heavies up. Removed ALL the elders and those MS who where there. Spent next couple of months seeing who they could appoint, about three of the former elders where reinstated, because they needed someone who knew how the congregation was run. Made four of the MS who hadn't been involved elders. Seems very few people really knew what actually happened.
Many other thngs have been told to me since I left about what went on in local congregation. So when I hear JW's going on about how good and clean they are, and nothing wrong ever happens in Jehovahs organisation, I have a silent laugh to myself.
What I want to know is how did I miss all the fun?
how many out here know a loved one or know of someone who suffers from depression and it is from being in the borg and never feel you are doing enough.
my ex wife would always lapse into a few month state of depression right after a visit from the c/o and getting pounded on about f/s hours or not enough studies or not enough pioneers yadda yadda yadda.
i know with my ex that the constant fear of armageddon and feeling inadequate was a depression trigger ready to be pulled at any instant.
I had acute clinical depression in 1996. Tried to kill myself. I was 45
I thought that it was caused my money problems, turned out they where only a small part of it.
When I thought about it I realised it was caused by trying to live up to the JW standards as a Ministerial Servant, plus the growing realisation that the Watchtower teachings where "flawed" . According to the doctors I probably had it for years, very common among JW's they said. They get a lot of JW's in for depression. Found out how true that is since.
My congregations elders answer to it was to tell my wife that I had to leave home because I was a "spiritual danger" to the family. I left (thrown out) followed soon by my eldest son, who did not agree with it, then another and daughter. We all left the JW's by end of 1999. My JW wife and two JW daughters have not spoken or contacted us in anyway since then.
My wife has even walked beside her son in the town centre after not seeing him for 5 years. Knew he was there and never acknowledged him.
Recently my DA'd daughter had a run in with her mother. Said it was like talking to a robot, all her mother did was repeat WT phrases and platitudes. Daughter said it was as if her mind was not her own.
our son ben is celebrating his 15th birthday on friday 11, but actually it is his 1st birthday aswell.. so please help us celebrate with him be sending him some cool messages.
he is really excited, and he is getting some cool pressies.
he has been really funny, but it is lovely to see.. we would really appreciate it.. thanks everyone.
I was a JW for 30 years. I'm 52 on 12th, April.
Last Tuesday (8th April) at one of the house groups of the church I now attend.
They presented me with a cake (with candles) and sang Happy Birthday.
follow this link for the watchtower's official response to my question about active jws talking with former jws on the internet: .!-/text-!>
follow this link for the watchtower's official response to my question about active jws talking with former jws on the internet: .!-/text-!>
I agree with you Gopher.
If you read the WT letter you will see that they class a JW coming on such a forum as this as just as bad as actually speaking to a person who has been DF'd or DA'd.
follow this link for the watchtower's official response to my question about active jws talking with former jws on the internet: .!-/text-!>
Follow this link for the Watchtower's official response to my question about active JWs talking with former JWs on the internet: !-/Text-!>