I have recently received this letter.
Can anyone give any help or advice to this lady.
I have left off her address as I have not got permission to from her whether or not to pass it on. She uses a "btopenworld" address so I presume she is in Britain.
If any of you do have advice to give please write to me at: [email protected]
Letter is a follows:
Please can you suggest any help regarding the following:
My daughter is at the commencement of an acrimonious divorce.
Since early March her husband has become a fanatical recruit of the Jehovah's Witness Movement....attending their bible studies, lessons, meetings etc., three times a week. He has also attended Assemblies. She is absolutely opposed the Witness Movement and its ideology.
His conversion, he claims, is to save their three year old daughter from Armageddon. He has categorically stated that he intends to teach (indoctrinate??) the little girl with the teachings of Jehovah and to take her to meetings and Assemblies.He began reading 'bible stories from a Witness 'child bible story' book.... when our daughter saw the book, she was horrified by the graphic illustrations of murder etc...and considered the book totally unsuitable material for a three year old. In his defence, he argued that the stories were no more graphic than tales of Red Riding Hood!
Our daughter does not want there little daughter indoctrinated in the Witness Movement...but doesn't know how to prevent it! Via her solicitor, she is seeking a prohibitive steps order to restrict the possibility of the husband taking the child to meetings etc.,....however, she is concerned...as he states he has already won the right to teach (indoctrinate) the child....through his 'Freedom of Speech'. He claims that several cases have already been fought and won by Witness parents wanting to subject their children to the teachings of Jehovah!
Our daughter has now left the marital home with the child and is currently living with us. (This has caused the husband to become extremely angry towards us.)
Please can you make any suggestions that may help in this situation.
Kind regards,