More power to you laylaluv.
And, welcome!
i have been on this site many times and i didn't decide to post anything until this past weekend.
(july 18,19,&20) i wanted to share with all of you what happened this weekend.. i was my little sister's wedding.
the one who ran away from home at age 16 and the judge gave me custody.
More power to you laylaluv.
And, welcome!
has anyone seen the article, young people i need a mobile phone?
this is on the home page of the society.
jesus stated the wise principle that one should "calculate the expense" before undertaking an important project.
If they are not expecting a crucial call, many choose to turn off their phone, or they switch to a silent mode when engaging in essential activities. Some put their mobile phone out of reach. After all, cannot most messages be attended to later?
howcome the wts does not include personal testimonies in their meetings (i mean, ones that have not been edited by the writing department)?
oftentimes when i am preparing for an instructional course, i go looking for a sample completed form.
in order that my students are not led astray, i try and find the perfect sample.
As a side note, at Circuit and District Talks there is a board of Elders that have copies of the written talks. They mark every deviation from the written material the speaker makes. Too many changes and that Brother will not be given a speaking assignment at the convention in the future. Maverick
Mav, you very sure of this??
The reporters are sensationalizing this report; the Professor fuelled that a little. The reason stated, that "semen is a very potent and strong brew of lots of chemicals which, because of their biological reactivity, could be carcinogenic if left to lie around" doesn't exactly means that it's masturbation that does is, but rather, frequent ejaculation. The suggestion that masturbation equals ejaculation, no matter how frequent, is strong, perhaps too strong. While it may be a common thing, masturbation is not the only frequent way to get rid of that stuff.
if you were the president of the us, would you confront north korea or would you try to make a deal with them to reduce tensions.. north korea warns us: we can produce six atom bombsby rupert cornwell in washington.
16 july 2003 .
the crisis over north korea's nuclear weapons programme deepened yesterday as the north claimed it had made enough plutonium for six atomic bombs, and a former us defence secretary warned that the two countries could be at war by the end of the year.. the latest claim from pyongyang was communicated to the bush administration last week, three months after north korea said it was beginning to reprocess 8,000 spent nuclear fuel rods that were under united nations seal until the un inspectors were ejected from the country at the end of 2002.. us intelligence agencies are now trying to determine whether the boast is true or merely another bluff by the reclusive stalinist regime.. either way, the declaration has pushed the us president a step nearer deciding whether to accede to north korea's demand for direct negotiations - and thus drop his previous insistence that he would never bow to "nuclear blackmail" - or to accelerate plans for a military strike against the north's nuclear installations.. that spectre was raised yesterday by william perry, defence secretary under president clinton, when he told the washington post that the bush administration was "losing control" of the situation.. mr perry is a specialist on korea who helped prepare the military action which mr clinton came close to launching against yongbyon and other key north korean sites in 1994. he now fears that the north is not only close to a nuclear test to show the world it is a nuclear power, but also that it could sell a weapon to a terrorist group for use against the us.. "the nuclear programme now under way in north korea poses an imminent danger of nuclear weapons being detonated in american cities," mr perry said, adding that he had reached that conclusion after talks with bush officials in washington, and with senior figures in china and south korea.. china, reckoned to have the greatest leverage over of kim jong il's renegade state, launched a new effort this week to draw the north into regional talks to defuse the crisis, but mr perry told the washington post that as far as he could see, the "diplomatic track is inconsequential" and going nowhere.. the korean crisis has been largely ignored as washington has focused almost exclusively on iraq.
My inclination right now, would be to make no deals, Clinton made a deal with them and they ignored it while they proceeded to keep building the nuclear program.
Clinton made the "wrong" deal; and the US has reneged on the important terms of that deal, the tems important to the North Koreans.
... by that I mean that there are no official WTBTS policies or practices that can be assailed as preferential or pregiudicial to one ethnic or racial group; quite to the contrary
Probably that there are no such documented official WTBTS policies; the practice aspect of it is even more fluid. We don't expect to see a blatant display of racism in an organization like the JWs. Racism is less effective when it is blatant and pursued as corporate policy. But we could take a closer look at the inner workings of the organization, a look at things they've done. While I'll agree that the incidence is less, it does seem that the WTBTS executes their program with some racial bent. The actions of their leaders, and the treatment of the "less priviledged" point int hat direction.
Dedalus, thanks for the link.
Room215 quote:
In fairness, I think it can be said that racism is not institutionalized in the WTBTS, but lives on in the individual cultural preguidices of individual JWs to about the same degree that it does in the general public.What exactly do you mean by "racism is not institutionalized in the WTBTS"?
i spoke to my father this afternoon and received some bad news.
the daughter of a woman who was one of my childhood friends at the kh died today from leukemia.
she was 16 years old.
I think that the day that the WTS changes its beliefs on blood transfusions will be the day it crumbles.
Can these parents be excused? Probably. Can their dear daughter be?. Probably. She was sixteen, and Robyn's narrative shows she made the decision to die rather than take a blood transfusion. It is unreasonable to us, but we once were there; may be not all of us, but most of us. Now it seems most unreasonable. But do we think about what made us not only accept this as truth sometime ago, and in fact preach it to others? The mind of the faithful works in a different way. It's a different country there. The parents are victims. Aubrey is a victim of victims. I will not allow the policy makers that.
Jehovah's Witnesses, as usual, have not been paying good attention. They will not ask the right questions about the situation in Bulgaria with respect to Blood. The Governing Body produced a version of the blood card with a "slightly" different wording sometime ago, see scans here. Why did they do it? Did someone on the GB change his mind so that the two-thirds quota couldn't be met? I prophesy that the GB will change the position on blood. But many things will be done first. The process will be slow. Very gradual. They've started. The Society must no lose too much money; there are so many Watchtower Corporations already. They will need a lot of lawyers. And then the Faithful Slave will be announcing a period of "weeding".... the Society knows the current situation cannot be sustained for too long.
can people be single and happy?
the older i get the more i believe that being single is the way to go.there are so many advantages.just to name a few;.
you can finish that college degree, go to the neighborhood bar anytime, do charity work, join a night class, stay out all night, flirt with anybody you please.
(((Robyn))) Don't beat the rest of us for a few bad guys...
ballistic: I'm single and 32 and happy. The only pressure on me to get hitched is that one day I may regret not having children. That is a bit difficult as a single bloke.
Yeah! I'm looking at me at 40, 45, and asking me: where's my wife? Where're my kids? Tough.
last night we had a hell of a storm here.
there was thunder, lightning, pouring rain and wind.
personally i love stormy nights, cuddled up to hubby in a warm bed.
There was this guy who always got a sore throat on weekends. And he knew to how to fake it well. It helped on Sundays too, he just does the mike and wouldn't have to say a word.