Congrats! Simon.
Posts by Gozz
Wohoo ... Passed another exam !
by Simon ini took my second microsoft certification exam this afternoon ... and passed !.
phew ... it was tough - i thought i might have revised the wrong book at one point because it didn't seem familiar at all .
.net and microsoft visual studio .net.
by integ ini received this e-mail from a friend of a friend of a friend who was at the secret annual meeting.
hi brothers and sisters,.
our 2004 year text, matt.
Matthew 24: 42 "Therefore keep watch, because you do not know on what day your Lord will come.
... But He comes quickly! Soon! Not so?
A Letter from the GB to the folks of JWD...
by SYN inwatchtower(c) society of pensylvannia, inc. don't f*ck with us.
dear brothers and brotherettes,.
recently, we have heard from some of our brothers who aren't in such good standing that ya'll have been saying some pretty nasty things about us on your little web-pagelet.
"When we mentioned that we were "clarifying" the whole 1914-generation thing, we weren't changing our prophecy, we were merely optimizing it.."
Brilliant. Writing Boys, new synonym for 'adjustment'.
Mind of a JW Pedophile--How Would You Answer (From Silentlambs)
by blondie inthe mind of a pedophile
the following is a recent email sent by a child molester
mr bowen, .
Chilling. The writer writes with clarity, but it is fuzzy when it came to the part about his crime being by "mutual consent"; consensual sexual behaviour with an 8-year old girl? And the gag not to tell the little girl's mother? And that the little girl is upset? Assuming it's a hoax is burying the head in the sand; if not for anything, the possibility that this sick man is walking the streets is sickening.
WT June 1, 2001 (part II)
by Defender inthe second article of discussion in this issue is titled: "moving ahead to final victory!".
the article starts to talk about christs enthronement as king and in paragraph one, along with an illustration of crowned jesus riding on a white horse, it states: "we today, have clear evidence that this foretold enthronement took place in 1914.. since watchtower article discussions are always a one way dialogue, where the society speaks and the rank and file just listens, it is easy to make assertions.
in a normal two way dialogue, when one says "i have clear evidence" for something, the other party will not just nod his head in agreement, but would rather demand to know and see what this clear evidence is and would want to proceed and examine it thoroughly.
Additionally, if increase and growth is a sign of God?s blessing, then how do we interpret the latest decrease of JWs numbers in several countries around the world?
Tough. Looking at the numbers from around the world, it does seem like the waters are drying up in the JW pool.
Interesting write-up, defender. Where's Defender?
BTW, Part 1 is here
Iran - On the right track
by Uzzah insay what you want about middle eastern law but at least with this one i belive they are on the right track for an admitted child rapist/molester.iranian court hands 8 death sentences, 173 lashes to serial child rapist.
by ali akbar dareini.
tehran (ap) - an iranian court has sentenced a serial child rapist to eight death sentences and 173 lashes, the judge in charge of the case said thursday.
Comments You Will Not Hear at the 10-12-03 WT Study
by blondie incomments you will not hear at the 10-12-03 wt study
review comments will be in black and parentheses ().
wt quotes will be in
Thanks blondie. I've done a quick check myself, and found what you wrote to be true: the WT has touted David as a courageous man, now, as jgnat has clearly noted, they're saying to seat in the back seat and have total trust. David+Courage into the WT CD-ROM turns up infrmative results.. One eample here:
WT 7/15 1993: Tenderly Shepherding Jehovah's Precious Sheep:
The Fearless Shepherd David: ..... Although David?s work as a literal shepherd was lowly, at times it called for great courage. For example, when sheep from his father?s flock were carried off on one occasion by a lion and on another by a bear, David fearlessly confronted and killed the predators. (1 Samuel 17:34-36) This was a remarkable display of courage when one considers that a lion can kill animals much larger than itself. And the Syrian brown bear that used to inhabit Palestine, weighing as much as 310 pounds [140 kg], can kill a deer with a single blow of its powerful paw.
David?s courageous concern for his father?s sheep...
David's courage was thus not blind, like the WT requires; he had some preparation, according to the bible story, and of course, had years of experience and emcounters where he'd displayed courage.
Comments You Will Not Hear at the 10-12-03 WT Study
by blondie incomments you will not hear at the 10-12-03 wt study
review comments will be in black and parentheses ().
wt quotes will be in
Blondie wrote:
Yes, in days gone by the WTS emphasized why David was so courageous, because of the bear and the lion. But no more, they want the r&f to depend on them, the WTS.
Blondie: do you have any WT reference(s) per this?
Comments You Will Not Hear at the 10-12-03 WT Study
by blondie incomments you will not hear at the 10-12-03 wt study
review comments will be in black and parentheses ().
wt quotes will be in
jgnat: interesting comments.
blondie: good review.
Per parags 10-13: the WT presents their explanations to the questions [1) who subjected the creation to futility? 2) What, though, is 'all creation' referred to in the passage] starting with "some have pointed to ....", "some have said...." etc as if their view is new. They're not. If the WT writer had access to the iNet, as I belive they would, he/she would have found links on commentaries on the book of Romans where these issues are addressed. WT pillages Christiandom's pantry, and present the goods to JWs like manna from heaven.
Received letter from wtbs re Vicki Boer
by Gadget ini got 2 replies to my letters this morning.
one was from my local mp saying he had passed my letter to another minister and the foreign and commonwealth office are investigating to see if its an appropriate issue to raise, and the other was from the wbts of britain.
the letter reads as below, and i would appreciate your comments on it, and some good qoutes to include in a reply.. .
Bastards, Watchtower people.
Damn blood sucking bastards.