Touching. It is at times like this when words fail one; just pour it out... I can't imagine what you're going through... you're keeping busy still. 'll be hoping lithium works good for you...
there is really nowhere else for me to post about what goes on inside me.
i know that my problems aren't all because i was a witness.
the agony in my mind has led me to a psychiatrist.. he has diagnosed me with cyclothymic mood disorder, a milder form.
Touching. It is at times like this when words fail one; just pour it out... I can't imagine what you're going through... you're keeping busy still. 'll be hoping lithium works good for you...
the subject of politics often comes up on this board, inevitably.
whatever our opinions on the subject are, most of us share a common.
struggle against the demands of religion(s) that seek to dominate and ruin your life, whether the "truth" or something else.. sad to say, everytime the human race seems to be generally ready to shake off the shackles of controlling religious bigots, something.
The problem with the invasion of Irq is that the importance of Iraq has mutated; George Bush's adventure has turned into something bigger, a reality many in the anti-war movement ignore. If the US is disgraced out of Iraq, then the Islamofascists would have won; this should have horrid consequences for most everyone, including the weasels in Europe who can't tell the forest from the trees. There's no doubt that the US has been fighting an incompetent war, but between that incompetence and the blindness of the anti-war movement as to the significance of Iraq as a (now mutated) front in the war against Islamofascism, it's a tad difficult to figure which is more distressing.
Those who keep reverting to the case against the use and interpretation of prewar intelligence, or lack of it, are right: the Bush administration need to account for the exaggerations made in the build-up to Iraq's invasion, but alas, they're - to coin a phrase - 'stuck on stupid'. Sensible Democrats who criticise Bush also realise that Iraq has now assumed an importance it did not originally have. To lose in Iraq is to surrender the rest of Western civilisation to the horro and terror of fundamentalist and militant Islam.
ok i just finished watching antwone fisher.
it's not the first time i've watched it.not even the second or third time.
i've seen it a lot.
prophecor: where in Gladiator do you shed the tears?
from the ap.... raleigh, n.c. - a man who killed his wife and father-in-law pinned his hopes on last-minute intervention from the governor or the courts as he awaited lethal injection early friday in the nation's 1,000th execution since capital punishment resumed in 1977. kenneth lee boyd, set to die at 2 a.m., spent the day receiving visitors, including two sons who watched him gun down their mother and grandfather in 1988. .
my questions are; are you for or against the death penalty?
what was your opinion of the death penalty as a jehovah's witness?.
Auldsoul: interesting post. If we could start from somewhere: .. what if the raped minor is 11? Why 10?
when i was rethinking the wts i did most of my research by going back to old books and steering clear of "apostate" material, so i knew the wrong dates, pyramids etc and made my mind up before reading any apostate sites.
when i finally read crisis of conscience i already knew a lot of the information in it, though i still really enjoyed it.
however, even after i knew the wts was a con i still did not have answers for some of the doctrines, like great crowd/other sheep and organisation.
I've had both books for over two years; I've been through some parts of the CoC, but haven't at all read ISoCF.
what's it with the passwords?
"long time lurker, first time poster".
thought everybody would enjoy this snippet of an e-mail, from a friend of a friend who is in the current gilead class:.
" liverance gave a fascinating talk on bible chronology.
Stay alive till 2085!
Too bad folks. Most of you here 'll be gone.
just want to know if it is normal practice for the elder giving your wedding talk to ask you and your partner if youve had sex, about 1 week before youre due to get married?.
happened to us, and we were f'in shocked!.
Yeah. There's the couple who said a loud "no", and then she was delivering a baby about 7 months later. Attempts to pass the baby up as premature didn't work. Both were disfellowshipped but quite quickly reinstated. IF you'd do it and would wish to remain in excellent standing, just use protection, and hope your bride or other won't develop a very bad case of bad conscience.
from the elders school it appears as if the new phrase on everybodies lips is "with greediness" have i got this correct?
I see people 've been posting about sexual matters with more thana fair measure of greed. Could talking incessantly about a matter itself constitute greed?
Inquiring minds should like to know.
kingdom ministry for october under: how can we help?
..."when donations are earmarked specifically for a certain disasters, it is necessary in some countries to use such funds only for the purpose specified by the donor and within a certain period of time, whether the needs of out brothers have been cared for locally or not.
(is this true and if so, isn't that the whole point of donating to natural disaster victims?
Who knows the law? Shouldn't it be against the law to demand that insurance money is signed away as described above? No that I've first.-hand information about this happening, but if it's true, it should leave the WTS in a legally weak position.