I never knew that they did this! Thanks for the info!!
JoinedPosts by graceabounds
Nat'l Center for Missing Children - Volunteer
by Dawn inthe national center for missing and exploited children can use poster volunteers.
it's a small effort on our part but makes a huge impact.. go to http://www.ncmec.org/ - click on "how can i help" link on the left, then click on "join our poster partner program".
it's really quite easy - they'll send you flyers via e-mail to print out when a child is reported missing from your area/region.
Straaaaange JW Quotes from Yesteryear
by Francois inthis is priceless.
and to think i used to believe they had the truth.
i've just got to get much better at character assessment.
This just in...
Be ont the lookout....
Ovum at large!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!News at 11:00.
Why is it then, that so many men/boys initiate sex "encounters"?
You would think....from the article....that women were all
alone in this.To make the comparison of a young girl to a cow is degrading.
Not that it surprises me, coming from the "experts" at the
Watch Tower. I am so glad that my daughter will not have to
go thru puberty, learning from their expertise.graceabounds
personality test
by BATHORY ing'day cyber junkets.. now this personality test is good, very good.. i would be very interested to see the results from most posters.. i came up a type 5, the investigator.
so accurate.. i can see simon as type 9, englishman as the definative 7, alan .
fur-burger is a natural 8 ( with a definite twist of 6 ), princess is a 4 through and through and naeblis, well....he thinks he is a 3 but he is really a hardcore 5.. well was i close ???.
The test scored me as a Type 6(Loyalist).
Also scored high on the Type 2(Helper).
Hmmm....loyal and helpful....
I was just starting to feel like a Golden Retriever...
when I noticed that I was also high on the Type 4(Individualist).However, the main one was Type 6.
dateline promo
by gambler injust saw a promo for dateline.
" another church sex scandal and its not the catholics".
looks good cant wait.
I look forward to seeing this...I think it is just the
beginning of the victims of the WT being heard.
This is what is in actuality, "New Light".
May it shine into the KH's, and reveal what they have
kept hidden.......graceabounds
KM Scan - Internet Use
by VioletAnai inok...like i said it's in the may 2002 km outline for may 20:.
I started reading thru the jw.match site ....lol
It was too funny.
I wondered if I wrote to the "Ask Esther" part of the site,
and asked Esther what my "wifely duties" would be....in detail,
ofcourse, if I was to find a "brother" that I was interested in
....if I could ever get back in that site.hehehehe!!!Feeling naughty,
New WTS Rules for elders & Child Abusers
by Cappuccino OC inper my uncle who is an elder:.
anyone who has a criminal record can't have any privileges from now on per the wts.. my conclusions:.
so what about the child molesters who have abused children who have been disfellowshiped, pardoned, or who have sincerely repented of their wrongdoingsbut the authorities were not notified?.
This must be "new light".
As opposed to the "old light".
Which must have been a "flash light".
Or "nightlight"....If they finally figured out that they should have been doing something about this situation...
But, ofcourse, it is only damage control. Something to cover their asses.They are all a bunch of "dim bulbs".
Can you help me post my picture?
by bluesapphire incan someone help me post my picture on my profile?.
i also want to post some other pics but i don't know how.
blue...Do you have another picture of yourself that I
could post as my picture? Mine never come out looking
like that....
Must be my camera, eh???lolgraceabounds
Love, Marriage and Leaving JWs?
by non_trias_theos inhave you ever heard bitter divorcees relate their experiences about their former husbands or wives?
most of the time, if it is a wife telling the story, her former husband could not do anything right.
he was a terrible father, lover, provider, cook, gardener and he smelled funky and was abusive.
Hello again, non...
I keep reading your stuff....wondering why I do...
Kind of like when you drive past an accident on the road, and you slow down to see what happened and how bad people were hurt, and then you regret looking because it was that disgusting.
I think alot of these words are not even found in a theosaurus.
My five year old uses two and three syllable words better than this clown.Please, non, don't describe leaving the witnesses as a divorce, or someone "complaining" afterwards. If you ever wake up, perhaps you will have pain that you will need to talk about, if you leave the WT.
I'm tired of you. Stop patting yourself on the back for using big words. You are using most of them wrong.
Hyghlandyr's Sperm Donor's Felony Record
by Initiate inhi this is hyghlandyr.
for the naysayers out there who claim my story isnt real here is a info on one part of my story (more to follow on other issues later).
I don't know who would question you about this....it's hard to believe that anyone would. It's a "blame the victim" sort of attitude...and it pisses me off.
I want to thank-you for the tip about calling the sheriff...to
find out info on sexual predators. It was a double edged sword, though. I found out, by talking with a woman in the dept. where
the sex offenders have to register...there's not just one in the
park where I live...there are three.
I wanted to know....but, was unhappy when I found out.I hope that the Candlelight vigil is a positive experience....
and, maybe....a healing one. Sometimes....sharing experiences of abuse with others who really understand the pain, have been thru it, or also have people that they care about who have been thru abuse...can help.And....I will be here.....with my kids....lighting all the candles...saying a prayer....
My friend, Carol, at work, also suggested a keeping a baseball bat by the door. You'd like her....she's also Irish.
I think a combination of prayer + baseball bat.
Anyway...I think that you are a sincere person, that was a hard story for you to re-live and tell, hopefully it will reach another victim, or abuse survivor, that it may help them. And...if anybody
else has said that it was not sincere, or not true....then they lost their compassion a long time ago.Have a safe trip, sir.
Take Responsibility For Your Thrownness
by non_trias_theos inwe are the decisions we make.
we are thrown into the world and left to make of it what we will.
non trias thinks there is some truth to these observations.. god has allowed us to see the light of life so that we might make of it what we will.
I think this one got hit with a tree.non: "Thrownness"?
Is this another word from the world of make-believe...."Witnessland"?So, you still didn't answer alot of questions.....like....
1) How many books have you read(religious books) that have not
been written by the WT? If you feel that you are free to do
so....may I suggest that you start with "Twisted Scriptures"
by Mary Alice Chrnalogar.2) How free do you feel....time-wise? You make a lot of meetings,
do alot of field service? Does it feel like you have no life
beyond these thngs? It's because you don't.3) How do you feel about Smurfs? Garage sales, and bringing those
items home? Girl Scout cookies?
Are any of these things mentioned, specifically, in the Bible?
As sins? Did God ever say....thou shalt worship no Smurf
before me? Or, thou shalt not eat of the tree of the Girl
Scout cookie....? You get the point????
Or, could this be superstition from unsuperstitious JW's?4) How old were you in 1975?
I was 9. I was not a Witness, not even studying with them.
But, I had a friend who was. He was the same age as me. I
wonder now, if, when all the predictions started about the
"last days"....that this poor, sweet, little boy didn't have
nightmares every night....wondering if he would make it.
That is being thrown into something....a bunch of shit.
As for 1975, and 1925, and 1914, and whatever the other dates
were....we're still here.
And, the WT is still making predictions, to scare everyone into
loyality.5) Which brings me to my final question... you said that "fear was
not the ONLY thing that kept you with the Witnesses".
My question:
Why would a God of love want you to be afraid of him?
Let me answer that for you.
Because it isn't God that wants you to be afraid...it's the
guys at the top, who want to see you out there making other
Dubs. Peddling magazines. They don't care if you believe,
just don't cause trouble.
I believe in the God that I have always believed in....one that is kind, forgiving, and that gave his son for us. Not a God who will punish me for having a smurf collection.
Although I never stopped believing in God...I did feel that he
might take his anger out on me...for leaving. My daughter asked
me(she is 7)..."If Jesus comes back, will he destroy us?"....
I wanted her to feel close to God....and the WT almost drove her away
for good.non....open your mind, or, at the very least....get a dictionary.