It's a shame that none of them ever learned how to empathize.
But, I'm sure that they figure...Hey, it's gonna be alright,
'cause Armegeddon is just around the corner....again.
I, however, can empathize. I just lost my dad a little over
a year ago...for a few weeks he was on morphine. We waited...
those last days...and the woman that he had never married, but
had been with for 20 years....never left his side all through
the nights. She had a hospital bed put in(thru Hospice...they
are great people...if you haven't contacted might
consider....they offered us grief counseling, also)...she had
put an inflatable mattress in her room, and slept by the
hospital bed...incase he needed anything thru the night.
The last days are wait...and that's about all.
They told us....through Hospice...that it is a good thing to
tell the patient that you will be OK. Meaning, you will be OK
after they are gone. I finally brought myself to do
tell my dad that me and my kids...we'd be OK. I think that some
do hold on...even in pain...because they worry that their family
will not make it. And even though, saying it, I wasn't sure that
I would be OK....I said it.
It's a difficult, painful time....My prayers are with you, and
your mom.