Thanks everyone. Scholer, if you have any proof as to what you say, I will be glad to pass it along to him.
Posts by cognac
Hubby is Researching 607...
by cognac inwould you say that's the beginning of the end?
hubby's researching if the beginning date can be proven from the bible its starting date is 607. clearly, he won't find the answer.... here's hoping he will see the light... .
Hubby is Researching 607...
by cognac inwould you say that's the beginning of the end?
hubby's researching if the beginning date can be proven from the bible its starting date is 607. clearly, he won't find the answer.... here's hoping he will see the light... .
I think so Leaving... He seems to be researching it logically verses trying to jump through hoops to make the borg right somehow...
Hubby is Researching 607...
by cognac inwould you say that's the beginning of the end?
hubby's researching if the beginning date can be proven from the bible its starting date is 607. clearly, he won't find the answer.... here's hoping he will see the light... .
Would you say that's the beginning of the end? Hubby's researching if the beginning date can be proven from the bible its starting date is 607. Clearly, he won't find the answer...
Here's hoping he will see the light...
COURT: Clergy Abuse Files Must be Released
by AdaMakawee in
this was interesting and may just possibly affect mother watchtower.. ada.
Cantleave - I don't think they can deny one exists because I believe it's already known in a Court of CA that there is one. I believe they almost had to release it before in 2007 but then something happened where they didn't have to release it. This is just from memory so feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.
COs and Green Handshakes
by cognac inthis really happened?
cos really take the money and don't say, "put it in the contribution box?
" did you put it in there hand or in a card that they opened later?.
This really happened? COs really take the money and don't say, "put it in the contribution box?" Did you put it in there hand or in a card that they opened later?
I've been trying to answer this for hours now... Anywho, does 2 infants under the age of 6 months count? It better. It's one of the hardest jobs I know of... But, I love it at the same time.
Trying To Make JW's Seem "Normal", One Cult Member At a Time
by AllTimeJeff init hasn't been till the last couple of months that i have even given a passing thought to jw apologists.
as welcome as they are to post their opinions, i am struck by something that i recognize in myself and others as i reflect on my jw past.. basically, there comes a certain point, where if you are going to stay a jw and you are of a bit more "liberal" mindset, that you will try to change the focus a bit.. i recall this happened to me.
as a ms, i was very gung ho for most jw dogma and ways of dealing with people.
Very well said alltimejeff. Btw, I did the math and you are only a couple of years older then me. That's so weird that we are basically the same age. You sound so much more mature then me, lol.
Following your heart not right according to JWs?
by cognac ini heard in a talk recently that following your heart was one of the worse advice a person can get.
is this because the bible says the heart is treacherous?.
anybody else hear that in jw land?.
lol, outlaw...
Thanks for the reference theclar. Now, I have a better understanding of why they are so against my parenting style. Because I'm not "disciplining properly" evidently...
Following your heart not right according to JWs?
by cognac ini heard in a talk recently that following your heart was one of the worse advice a person can get.
is this because the bible says the heart is treacherous?.
anybody else hear that in jw land?.
I heard in a talk recently that following your heart was one of the worse advice a person can get. Is this because the bible says the heart is treacherous?
Anybody else hear that in JW land?
I have noticed A LOT in raising my baby that I've gotten a lot of unwanted advice to let my "baby cry it out" when she's upset, "don't hold her to much", let her "go to sleep on her own", and on spanking (when she gets older.)
I decided to follow my heart in raising my child and have gotten a lot of critism and been really looked down upon for it by JWs.
I happen to follow the attached parenting method where I don't let my baby cry or fuss, I hold her a good amount, and pick her up if she wants to be held when it's time for bed.
My baby rarely cries or fusses and goes to everybody. She can fall asleep on her own laughing and playing with the video monitor and does extremely well at night. She happily plays in her crib and makes a specific noise which means its time for me to get her. She also plays on her own very well.
I'm told the she's "just a really good baby" and "a miracle baby" basically despite my parenting skills and everything I say regarding child rearing is thereby dismissed. She is a very well natured baby but I don't believe that it is despite me.
Anyways, off my rant. What do you think about this?
On spanking your children...
by HintOfLime ini posted about this on my own website, but i'd like to get thoughts here as well, since jw's are big proponents of the 'violence is the answer' side of this debate.. new research is suggesting that spanking children may result in lowered iq's.
(la times article) one hypothosis i've read elsewhere as to why this may be is because when faced with an unexpected result (the glass broke) the non-spanked child wonders why the glass broke and how much abuse a glass can take before breaking (essentually, the problem-solving/scientific parts of the mind find the unexpected result interesting, and want to learn more).
the spanked child immediately enters fear mode - he's in trouble, his parents will be dealing him pain soon.
This happens when excessive force is used in disciplining children. And this is all too common in the Kingdumb Hells--spankings and beatings for not sitting still for 2 hours straight, threats of more beatings when they get home, and having to stay out in field circus all vacation from school (which I have myself seen).
I must say... I have not noticed this in halls unless the parents are foreign. Growing up, there were a lot of beatings. Now, I think our culture has changed so I notice a lot more kids playing and moms chatting in the back. The only people I've noticed spanking is moms and dads who are from other countries. When that happens, all hell breaks loose and we have about 10 sisters flipping out at the parents who are spanking and telling the elders. This is what I've noticed in the few halls I've been to over the past 8 or so years.