Pressed enter to soon.
But, its good that they got over it and hung out anyways...
i was walking past a bar tonight and recongised some old jw friends inside dancing to a live band.
i went in an attached myself to them and spent the night with them.
it was quite funny as they were very comfortable with me but also exuded unsure guilt about the whole situation.. it seems to stress jws when we seem exactly the same as before.
Pressed enter to soon.
But, its good that they got over it and hung out anyways...
i was walking past a bar tonight and recongised some old jw friends inside dancing to a live band.
i went in an attached myself to them and spent the night with them.
it was quite funny as they were very comfortable with me but also exuded unsure guilt about the whole situation.. it seems to stress jws when we seem exactly the same as before.
Thats great jw!
Sometimes what makes it difficult for faders is that even though a person is d'ffed, you dont actually know if there head is still in it or not so they may just rat you out for talking with them...
a semi-serious request.. i hate exercise (yes i am an indolent slob), i sit in an office or a car most of the time and eat and drink too much.
so my new year's resolution is to lose weight (about 3 stone would be good) to try and prolong my life a little since i ain't got eternity in mind anymore.
i am looking for fun ways to get fit, or an effective home based diet programme that has worked for other people.
Good for you think about it!
I lost 67 pounds myself since I had the baby. Now I'm at 130. I don't want to lose anymore then 5 more pounds cause I don't want to lose my curves and now fit into clothes very comfortably. I must say that I did enjoy the extra weight while it was on me. I don't know why. I just really felt beautiful, curvy and voluptuous . But getting clothes on me wasn't very comfortable.
I just mixed things up a ton with food and get a good amount of exercise in.
it has taken me a long time, but i have finally put together an article outlining how i used the law to force bethel to send me my personal files.
it is a very long article full of scans, so i have linked to it at
in brief, in 2006 i requested that bethel send me my files on the basis that the australian privacy act 1988 entitles people to receive a copy of any information a corporation holds about them.
How would you be able to delete files now? If you can, just delete all of them, lol.
i enjoyed this video.
it highlights how people do change their minds.
therefore, while many will not listen, a few may.. .
bookmarked for later viewing. Baby just fell asleep and I don't want to wake her. Thanks for sharing though! I can't wait to watch it!
it's not too soon to start mentioning that to jw's- let them know that 100 years is a long time and even g-d only made the israelites wander in the wilderness for 40 years, before he brought them to the promised land.
let the doubt begin creeping in and let the jw's know they aren't the only ones with doubts.
i will mention 2014 to jw's from now on- it's a date that the wt hopes the jw's will ignore..
Doesn't he read the Watchtower?
Nope! He doesn't know half of what this religion teaches. I suspect a lot of people don't keep up with a ton of stuff because it always changes. They hold onto a couple of scriptures like Matt. 24:14 and convince themselves that it has to be the truth because of that and have no idea of what is going on everywhere else...
Right now he doesn't do to much with the religion. Just attends most meetings. Although we missed both mtgs this week.
I suspect he is going to be ultra spiritual that year and then when it doesn't come he will probably lose interest in the truth altogether or just do bare minimum like he has been to keep his connections with his friends.
apparently, german catholics are a bit irate over the cover to a satirical magazine.
i don't understand why.
this one just shows a reverent priest, titled "the church today".. and this one actually offers a practical use for christian icons ("does jesus play a role?")..
it's not too soon to start mentioning that to jw's- let them know that 100 years is a long time and even g-d only made the israelites wander in the wilderness for 40 years, before he brought them to the promised land.
let the doubt begin creeping in and let the jw's know they aren't the only ones with doubts.
i will mention 2014 to jw's from now on- it's a date that the wt hopes the jw's will ignore..
My hubby thinks the big A is gonna come that year. He figures generation means a lifetime and there would be no way it would go past 100 years.
I havent bothered to tell him all of the flipflops on that one.
there is a jw who just had his pretrial for shaking his baby to death.
is there any way to look it up online to read the transcript of it?.
There is a JW who just had his pretrial for shaking his baby to death. Is there any way to look it up online to read the transcript of it?
weirdest thing ever just happened.. my daughters toy started playing music by itself.
there was nothing around it that could have caused it to do that.
and it just happened 4 times in a row and then i called out to my husband and it just stopped.
Or, I could just be going crazy, lol. I'm sure my mind was playing tricks on me cause I had gotten nervous earlier.