I probably got completely screwed somehow in the process compared to other countries...
However, I am very grateful for what I have gotten FREE and the opportunities that I have had and do have! I have always worked my ass off and that is why I get a good payoff... Hopefully, that has happened to the others who have worked hard also. Where US falls short I hope that they can get better. However, they do give us a lot when we are in need. And just for that we should be VERY appreciative! It is up to each and every one of us to pave the way for a better future for all of us. Whether that be better benefits, more work from home opportunities, etc.
Also, from what I hear the countries with better benefits also have higher taxes. There seems to be always a catch when relying on other people/government. So, what I suggest personally is to make a better life for yourselves and others and try to help improve gov. laws when possible but at the same time appreciate the wonderful things that we do have!!!