What do you think are the best ways to get the d'ffing overturned in the appeal? I read the flock book about it but wanted to find out if any of you had or heard of any experiences?
Also, the new elders book... Is it out in PDF yet?
what do you think are the best ways to get the d'ffing overturned in the appeal?
i read the flock book about it but wanted to find out if any of you had or heard of any experiences?.
also, the new elders book... is it out in pdf yet?
What do you think are the best ways to get the d'ffing overturned in the appeal? I read the flock book about it but wanted to find out if any of you had or heard of any experiences?
Also, the new elders book... Is it out in PDF yet?
i couldn't remember if the co was at our hall this week or not.
i panicked a bit and said, "i don't know.
i don't think so.
I couldn't remember if the CO was at our hall this week or not. I panicked a bit and said, "I don't know. I don't think so."
I think he's on to me...
oh, no. I think it would be my 2nd mothers day, lol
omg, it's my first mothers day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have no idea! When is it? I'm gonna get my mom flowers, lol. I don't care that she's a JW!
I'll write: "These are not flowers for mothers day. It just happens to be on mothers day that I give them to you. However, I should also add that I do appreciate you as my mom." lol
i found this interesting news on motherhood in the us vs other countries.. a woman in the us has a pregnancy death risk that is five times h igher than a woman living in bosnia, greece or italy, and ten times as big as an irishi woman, states the report on motherhood in various countries.. on child mortality_ eight in a thousand children in the us dies before the age of five, placing us on the same level as slovakia and montenegro.. an american child has twice the chance of daying before it is five than a child in finland, iceland, sweden or singapore.. only 61 per cent of children in the usa attend a kindergarten, making the united states number seven among developing countries, counting from the bottom that is.
no other industrialialised country has such a bad mother maternity arrangement as the us (considing both the length and salary).
norway is the country which has the honor of being number 1 on being a mother.. the maternity leave is currently at at 44 weeks with full salary (based on your job before the pregnancy.
I probably got completely screwed somehow in the process compared to other countries...
However, I am very grateful for what I have gotten FREE and the opportunities that I have had and do have! I have always worked my ass off and that is why I get a good payoff... Hopefully, that has happened to the others who have worked hard also. Where US falls short I hope that they can get better. However, they do give us a lot when we are in need. And just for that we should be VERY appreciative! It is up to each and every one of us to pave the way for a better future for all of us. Whether that be better benefits, more work from home opportunities, etc.
Also, from what I hear the countries with better benefits also have higher taxes. There seems to be always a catch when relying on other people/government. So, what I suggest personally is to make a better life for yourselves and others and try to help improve gov. laws when possible but at the same time appreciate the wonderful things that we do have!!!
i was walking past a bar tonight and recongised some old jw friends inside dancing to a live band.
i went in an attached myself to them and spent the night with them.
it was quite funny as they were very comfortable with me but also exuded unsure guilt about the whole situation.. it seems to stress jws when we seem exactly the same as before.
Pressed enter to soon.
But, its good that they got over it and hung out anyways...
i was walking past a bar tonight and recongised some old jw friends inside dancing to a live band.
i went in an attached myself to them and spent the night with them.
it was quite funny as they were very comfortable with me but also exuded unsure guilt about the whole situation.. it seems to stress jws when we seem exactly the same as before.
Thats great jw!
Sometimes what makes it difficult for faders is that even though a person is d'ffed, you dont actually know if there head is still in it or not so they may just rat you out for talking with them...
a semi-serious request.. i hate exercise (yes i am an indolent slob), i sit in an office or a car most of the time and eat and drink too much.
so my new year's resolution is to lose weight (about 3 stone would be good) to try and prolong my life a little since i ain't got eternity in mind anymore.
i am looking for fun ways to get fit, or an effective home based diet programme that has worked for other people.
Good for you think about it!
I lost 67 pounds myself since I had the baby. Now I'm at 130. I don't want to lose anymore then 5 more pounds cause I don't want to lose my curves and now fit into clothes very comfortably. I must say that I did enjoy the extra weight while it was on me. I don't know why. I just really felt beautiful, curvy and voluptuous . But getting clothes on me wasn't very comfortable.
I just mixed things up a ton with food and get a good amount of exercise in.
it has taken me a long time, but i have finally put together an article outlining how i used the law to force bethel to send me my personal files.
it is a very long article full of scans, so i have linked to it at http://jwfacts.com/watchtower/experiences/personal-files-privacy-act-1988.php.
in brief, in 2006 i requested that bethel send me my files on the basis that the australian privacy act 1988 entitles people to receive a copy of any information a corporation holds about them.
How would you be able to delete files now? If you can, just delete all of them, lol.
i enjoyed this video.
it highlights how people do change their minds.
therefore, while many will not listen, a few may.. .
bookmarked for later viewing. Baby just fell asleep and I don't want to wake her. Thanks for sharing though! I can't wait to watch it!