NN- lol, but, it's not much different then what I already do. Like I said, it's always brief. She usually stops as soon as she said it almost like she said it by mistake.
But, it still hurts...
she knows when i am lying.
she knows when i am keeping a secret.
she has this really weird way of reading my mind sometimes.
NN- lol, but, it's not much different then what I already do. Like I said, it's always brief. She usually stops as soon as she said it almost like she said it by mistake.
But, it still hurts...
i'm trying to figure it out.
if we are just dead then there is no point to anything i do.
i'd like to hope our energy goes somewhere... but, i'd like to examine what somebody presents as proof....
I'm trying to figure it out. If we are just dead then there is no point to anything I do. I'd like to hope our energy goes somewhere... But, I'd like to examine what somebody presents as proof...
she knows when i am lying.
she knows when i am keeping a secret.
she has this really weird way of reading my mind sometimes.
The problem is, I can never actually say freely and outrightly who I am without totally losing her... And that is something in general getting harder and harder to bare...
she knows when i am lying.
she knows when i am keeping a secret.
she has this really weird way of reading my mind sometimes.
Thank you. I just wish she wouldn't make those comments. Even though they are seldem... The pain it brings me sucks...
she knows when i am lying.
she knows when i am keeping a secret.
she has this really weird way of reading my mind sometimes.
She knows when I am lying. She knows when I am keeping a secret. She has this really weird way of reading my mind sometimes. We once went to this JW party. At the party they had this game where you were given a secret word and you could only say a one word clue to the other person and they were supposed to guess what the secret word was. The person who had to give the least amount of clues won.
My secret word was pillar. So, I was thinking Sampson cause he had to push all those pillars down. But, I got mixed up and gave my first clue as "Solomon". She looked me dead in the eyes and said, "pillar". Everyone thought we cheated but there was no way we could have.
She just reads me like no other person can. Both children I was pregnant with she knew I was pregnant before I told her. There were no clues and I never even told her I was trying. I don't know how she does it, but she does.
I love her dearly. She knows where I stand and doesn't say a word about it and I know that takes great courage. She is one of the most loving, selfless persons I have ever met.
But, her comments, even though out of love, completely break my heart sometimes and there is nothing I can do but listen...
Sometimes hearing about how bad apostates are is completely heartbreaking. And I know she is not trying to teach me anything by saying it, I know she is not trying to hurt me in any way. I know she just tells herself that I "think a lot" and "have a lot of questions and opinions" and tries to convince herself on some level that I'm not actually an apostate. But, I know deep inside she knows what I am.
And as close as we are, as much as we love eachother, this pains me more then anything...
told on me of course.
apparently, the other jw thought he was kidding.. i just said, you tell on me and take my family from me, we are done.
we will get a divorce and you will lose me, your home, and more then likely won't get to see your kids everyday the way you get to now.
It's just a matter of time now before I lose my mom, dad, sisters and brothers. I feel sick about it. But, I made a promise to myself I would really start celebrating everything when my oldest turns 4 cause that is the age they remember things as they get older. I kept true to that starting with the day she turned 4. Even did my version of Easter.
But, doesn't stop me from feeling sad about feeling like its only a matter of time before I get excommunicated... :(
told on me of course.
apparently, the other jw thought he was kidding.. i just said, you tell on me and take my family from me, we are done.
we will get a divorce and you will lose me, your home, and more then likely won't get to see your kids everyday the way you get to now.
Told on me of course. Apparently, the other JW thought he was kidding.
I just said, you tell on me and take my family from me, we are done. We will get a divorce and you will lose me, your home, and more then likely won't get to see your kids everyday the way you get to now. And, you rat me out, I will do the same thing to you.
I'm not going to live my life scared of what he might do. He wants to corner me??? Fine, good-bye then. See you later. I will not be stuck and am fine on my own.
it was so nerve racking!
it wasn't anything big, but its all she ever talks about in front of all my family!!!
i mean, she talks about it almost every single frigging day.
I have no clue, I've never celebrated it myself so I thought it would be nice but not this big of a deal...
I will take him too. Not sure how long our marriage will last but he will be around our kids all the time.
it was so nerve racking!
it wasn't anything big, but its all she ever talks about in front of all my family!!!
i mean, she talks about it almost every single frigging day.
I really didn't think it would be this big of a deal to her. I'm a little bit shocked by it...
It's also forcing the JW issues which I was hoping to avoid as long as possible...
it was so nerve racking!
it wasn't anything big, but its all she ever talks about in front of all my family!!!
i mean, she talks about it almost every single frigging day.
She is outting me to my JW family. So, I feel like they are going to soon shun me so there will be nothing keeping me here anymore. Looking for a house in a different state.
She is four.