After gastric [intestinal] surgery, I developed a fistula [a hole] in my intestinal tract. Due to the fistula, there developed serious complications arising from infection. I went into septic shock, and was put into the Intensive Care Unit of the hospital. I was intubated...the whole "nine yards" as it were. I don't know if anyone is familiar with what an I.C.U. is, but let's say that I was really sick. For a while, I was on the dividing line [which is very thin, I came to realize] between life and death.
In any case, while in the I.C.U., I had "visitors." They had the appearance of ordinary people. There was nothing frighening or alarming about them. They said nothing, and their presence in no way distressed me. But they were no one whom I recognized; they were total strangers. I remember simply looking at them and their looking at me.
I also remember blinking my eyes, and their disappearing when I blinked my eyes. At first, one would appear. I would blink my eyes and they would disappear. And then one would reappear. This pattern of one appearing and then disappearing continued for a few moments, and then it stopped.
I am supposing that it was a question of my simply hallucinating. After all, why would a "guiding spirit" or "guardian angel" disappear when I blinked my eyes? And then reappear?
Even now, it's painful for me to recall this experience because I was in so much pain and distress. I don't want to even think about my time in that I.C.U. I consider myself a "rational"person. What distresses me most is that what I saw at that time does not fit into my world view. It's hard for me to make it fit into how I see the world. But, believe it or not, I have experienced things even more bizarre than my "visitors" in the ICU on that day. However, I don't even want to think about those occurences now; they're too strange.