Pantera's " 5 minutes alone"....
JoinedPosts by megawatt
songs that help you cry....
by wings inno matter how much you want to avoid it...crying is necessary sometimes.
for me, i need help with it....too many distractions in my life.
i almost have to plan for me music aides in releasing emotion, helps me just be me for an interval of time.
From innocent to...
by mind my own inhow many of you initally checked out this site for completely innocent reasons?
just stumbed across it and couldnt' stop reading, or to see what was being read with the intent of setting us or someone else in your life straight?
then b/c of what you read you could no longer buy into the whole jw fraud and left the org or are in the process of leaving?
I stumbled on this site by accident, trying to get to the official WTBS researching to get a full understanding why as witnesses we couldn't pledge allegiance to the flag or one's nation. I read a thread or 2, stumbled across the Acronym "NGO" and the rest is history.
I learn something new everyday while I'm on this site and within 6 months I went from a very discourged witnesses of 2 to 3 years to an all out opposer of the WTBS...
Thank you JWD
Recent Awake! Directive
by whitman ini was informed recently by my mother about the new awake!
directive concerning having an emergency bag of some description in preparation for 'disaster'.
apparently the directive was also highlighted at some meetings.
Funerals = JW infomercials
by Lady Zombie inone of the more asinine practices of jws is to turn someone's funeral into a borg infomercial.
every single jw relative i've had who has passed away, had an infomercial funeral.
hardly anything was ever said about them as people, except of course in how they served the borg.. "sister x was a very pugnatious woman, even into her late 80's, as i'm sure her family can attest to.
It's so digusting that not even death, people are not left alone from the borg.
I had a family member die last year, even though she never associated with witnesses whatsoever until her final 6 months dying from cancer, which was all by circumstance, since my mom had her move in and go to the meetings. She wasn't even baptised, and her daughter received specific arragements about her funeral from her, but of course it was overruled in favor of a borg infomercial...
Sad really...
Why the end is sooo close! Latest illogical JW logic
by Quandary inan elder mentioned yesterday in casual conversation how the end must be close 'because this is the first time in human history that a black man will probably be president of the us.
all other forms of government have had their day, now that a black man will be president, the angels, mankind and satan cannot claim that jehovah didn't give every possible chance for humans to make it without his rulership'.
almost verbatim!
How funny is it that you can say the most wacked out shit you can think of as long it's PRO-WTBS, and the rest of the flock stands without a flinch, nodding their heads in agreement.
Watch Mcain become president, lol...
Why are witnesses asking if householders know ASL?
by Chloe ini'm pretty sure this has been covered before, but i don't remember the explanation.
this weekend 2 very obviously jw ladies were in my neighborhood.
when they came to my door, the leader said they were with a "volunteer group" looking for those who knew asl or needed the service.. i asked what kind of volunteer group.
I was told that at the deaf assemblies, people with tourettes syndrome would attend. I've never been, but I betcha it's a RIOT to hear someone blurt out in the middle of talk, "COCK GOBBLER".
I would so LOL...
Do you get upset when people don't believe that same way you do?
by loosie inis it a normal reaction to get mad when you talk to someone who doesn't believe that way you do?.
the reason i ask is that i don't believe in the most common christianity.
when i come across a person and they ask how i feel about something and i tell them how i feel.
I use to, when I was a witness. Now that I'm out, I've learned to appreciate the opinions of others especially about religion, even if it's different from mine...
1983 Australia Gov. Body member Lyod Barry promises NO change to 1914!
by Witness 007 inlistening to the australia bethel dedication talks 1983 {avalible on cassette} loyd barry of the governing body tells of how an old missionary brother aproached him and said: "the society can change any doctrine they want...but please brother, don't change the doctrine regarding 1914.
" {he had hoped to live thru to paradise} loyd responds: "brothers, we have no intension of changing the 1914 doctrine.".
remember this was just after raymond franz handed out to the governing body members, copies of an article written by an elder dis-proving 607 and 1914....i think in 1979.. so, after loyd barry died, in 1993, the 1914 generation theory was thrown out...that missionary had long since died.
Oh man. That's some gold right there. If there's anyway to post up, do it!!!! Hell, I'll even pay for shipping for that tape (or copy) and convert to an mp3, making it available for all.
Audio clip from GOV. body member promising no changes to a core belief is priceless.
At last, proof that Jesus Predicted the Watchtower Society!
by Wasanelder Once inok, that's shameless, but it's the premise of this overdub i did of a jesus movie.
i'm somewhat partial i know, but i think its pretty funny and very telling.
Good video and I liked the modulated voice...
Race a full season in road racing CCS and place well. Saving pennies...