I for one did not like Tina's behavior (I am sure many do not like mine).
But Tina was provoked. If you have a container full of gasoline - do you light a match near it? If you do, and it explodes in your face, where is the fault? With the match or with the gasoline?
Just because others may not have cussed at Tina does not mean they weren't always there with the knife. Tina's responses and the responses of others were equally out of line (IMO).
So just because Tina was the one who was "visible" in the storm of bullshit does not (IMO) mean she should have been the one to get the warning and the boot. Sure we can make the lame excuses such as "she was warned". But why weren't her provokers warned? They know who they are. If you knew she was having a tough time and you knew she was likely to explode, then why didn't you leave her alone?
Simple answer is: YOU WANTED HER TO TOTALLY SELF DESTRUCT. Well she did. You achieved your objective. Tina is gone. Does that mean you are the winner? Does that mean Tina was the cause of the problem? Does that mean you are innocent?
Just how stupid do you think we are? What goes around comes around. One day you might be needing help. Don't look to me for it. Someone might just have big boots on when they stand on your face!!