I hope Bleep's mouse breaks soon and Bleep can type some THOUGHTS...not nonsense into his/hers/its computer.
JoinedPosts by gravedancer
Why is Hope a good quality?
by Bleep inlooks like someone on this forum hates this word hope.
hope is a great thing to have for all christain.. it is one of the best things a true christain can have.. the bible gives us alot of hope.. lets use it in our everyday lives.
we have bible understanding threw research do we not?
Edited, Cos first time round, it didn't make sense
by invisible ingod?
i, ruddy nora, can i type this without getting struck down by lightning, well, what i mean to say is, i have wondered sometimes, as you do, whether god knows in the back of his own mind, the fact that it feels, from a human perspective, as if some big mistake is going on.
like i'm in god's petrie dish, and all this is only a part of something else much bigger beyond present human comprehension of the concept at play in his mind.. anyone?.
Forget the crazy notion of this thing called "God"....
Take responsibility for your own life....you ARE God!!!!!
This is why the Demons can't be human.
by Bleep inonly god has the power to create things.
but he can have help with the design.that is why they can only be mutants or huge giants when having relations with humans.
the demons have the power to go into the body.
Get me outta this thread...I am surrounded by Fundies and I can't get up!!!!
This is why the Demons can't be human.
by Bleep inonly god has the power to create things.
but he can have help with the design.that is why they can only be mutants or huge giants when having relations with humans.
the demons have the power to go into the body.
There is no evidence of demons...
c'mon wake up people this blindness is why you made great JW's
Watchtower Moves In For Kill On silentlambs
by silentlambs indraffenville
of jehovah's witnesses
Billl tell them you need at least 2 witness in case they try to molest you....by their own rules!!!!!!!!
Watchtower Moves In For Kill On silentlambs
by silentlambs indraffenville
of jehovah's witnesses
I can set you up with a special cam that we can use to stream the meeting directly to the web for all to see....
These guys piss me off beyond belief with their behind closed doors KKK style meetings. Are they all going to wear white hoods too?
I challenge them to hold the meeting in front of the camera for all thew world to see how a cult operates.....WT, curse you to the fiery Gehenna you despicable fools.....(find the mathcing scripture to that quote...there is one)
This is why the Demons can't be human.
by Bleep inonly god has the power to create things.
but he can have help with the design.that is why they can only be mutants or huge giants when having relations with humans.
the demons have the power to go into the body.
The Green Demon can make many people act crazily all at once....
A Question to All Believers in God???
by JT inwe have a group of friends over right now, some are former jw and some have never been involved.
we are watching the news about the little girl death and the question has come up: .
why did god let this little child die like this?
This thread should be renamed to "Clutching at straws"
I have always held a belief in God, but one thing that always irked me was the way people blame God for everything. Asking how could God let this happen is an example
Thats NOT blaming God.....thats asking HOW he could let someone do it. Blaming him would be asking why he did it.
Although I know longer believe in the watchtower organization or taking the Bible literally, my faith in God is still intact. So, therefore, I can tell myself that in time God will clean up this planet, that the bad will be punished and that Jesus' sacrifice will have an impact on earth's inhabitants
"In the beginning Man created god". It seems so much of faith in God is exactly that: people having to convince themselves that there is a God and how he will react. The basis of this? Their own emotions....their own denial of reality.
Why blame God? We have no need to look further than our mirrors to discover the real culprit.
I agree with the actual answer. Why because there is no God! Its as simple as that. When we try to rationalize God it is almost always based upon emotions and injustice or emotions and despair. We just cannot accept that humans are in total control on this planet. That would mean we have to take responsibility and accountability into our own hands. We have the responsibility of making the world a better place (no god is going to come and do it because we are too lazy). We are accountable for the past actions and the results.....
People repeat what they have survived. That is the real answer folks. It explains everything....you just need to think about it and you will understand it. It explains individual behaviour and psychology as well as group behaviour and psychology.
Why is Hope a good quality?
by Bleep inlooks like someone on this forum hates this word hope.
hope is a great thing to have for all christain.. it is one of the best things a true christain can have.. the bible gives us alot of hope.. lets use it in our everyday lives.
we have bible understanding threw research do we not?
put simply: Hope is a shield against reality!
You decide if thats good or not....
The Watchtower has a deal with the Navy.
by avengers inwell, here's another nail for the coffin: my son requested this info to show his jw sister.
washington, d.c. 20549.
form 10-ksb.
think this issue is a little silly to raise....(that's my opinion - and I am definitely not pro-WT.)
If the shares were gifted to them and they cannot sell them what are they supposed to do?
Some have posted that the WT gets dividends....I don't see any dividends in the financial statements....
Furthermore, this is a TINY company - pretty much insignificant. To put its size in perspective, your local McDonalds franchise would cost more to purchase than this entire company.
I understand that we can point to a double standard....but the way these posts have been going you would swear it was a big company (not some 2 bit operation that makes no money and is not worth very much at all)