I think personally that the difficulty of conceiving an answer to this question lies in our very concept of the nature, character, and reality of God. We have been taught that the universe is controlled by an interventionist God who is consumed with intefering with the day to day lives of his children on this planet.
I don't believe that this is an accurate conception of the Absolute Reality. The death of one beautiful little girl pales beside all the horrors that have accompanied life on this planet from the beginning. Horrible diseases, mutilating accidents and injuries, wars by the thousands and all their horror, the utter injustice which dominates life on this planet, the disappointment and terror consequent on growing old and dying, all these things have been man's lot.
But we have been evolving from the total animal savagery where we began to the point that now we really do work for world peace, and for justice. But evolution is slow by definition, and I believe that man's wisdom must evolve. In the US for instance, we have allowed sentimentality to corrupt our system of justice. This misplaced and inappropriate idealism is blowing up in our faces. The liberal approach to criminal justice does nothing but force the innocent populace of this country to admit into its neighborhoods the worst criminal elements. I call it idealism gone berserk.
Why blame God? We have no need to look further than our mirrors to discover the real culprit. Our easy and uncritical acceptance of the real lack of anything like a system of criminal justice that is swift and implacable is IMHO the real culprit. God is merely allowing us to live out the meaning, and to realize the responsibility of the gift and burden of free will.
I'd be willing to bet the murderer of this little girl was: out on parole, a known sexual offender, awaiting trial on an unrelated charge, has a long criminal record, was abused as a child, and/or some combination of these characteristics and more. Why is it God's fault that we won't use our free will combined with common street smarts to protect ourselves and our children for this kind of animal?
We have created a society in which no one is responsible any longer for their own actions. I give you the example of Abu Jamal, cop killer, to whose cause thousands of liberal elitists in the media, hollywood, the church and other places have rushed.
And there's another weakness in the very fabric of our existence; this irresponsible abandonment of rational, adult evaluation of society's ills to hollywood actors. Who gives a shit what they think? They're just actors for chrissake, making a living by pretending to be someone they're not. And they're not equipped to make evaluations and decisions for the American people. Barbara Streisand? She's only a singer for God's sake. Remember when she suggested that everyone hang their wash in the California sunshine instead of using clothes dryers during the energy crisis out there? When asked if Babs was going to take her own advise her spokesperson, horror stricken at the very idea, replied that of course Barbara never conceived that she would be expected to take her own advice. And we look to these dilletantes to advise us?
No, it's not God's fault. It's our own, for being such easily led, superficial, nincompoops!
My $1.98