Celebrate and have a bible burning party!!!!
The most destructive book that was ever written. It destroys peoples minds...it is a drug made out of ink and paper that dulls the senses of sheep!!!
Edited by - gravedancer on 26 July 2002 22:25:3
at this point in my life i feel very confident that leaving the jws was the best thing for me.
however, 25 years of brainwashing goes a long way.
(for arguments sake) if religion collapsed today, would you feel you made a mistake in leaving the wbts?
Celebrate and have a bible burning party!!!!
The most destructive book that was ever written. It destroys peoples minds...it is a drug made out of ink and paper that dulls the senses of sheep!!!
Edited by - gravedancer on 26 July 2002 22:25:3
just wondering, cause i think i just may.
so how much pressure can a person take before they go insane?
what is the human mid capable of?
Please keep your focus. You are one of the most capable people I have ever met - I have no doubt you can do anything you set your mind to. Without you what would Emmie's world be?
You don't have time to snap. Increase your energy, my friend. The opportunity is there for the taking, life can be tough for all of us at times but thats why we rise to the top (if it was easy then everyone else would be rising instead).
Your friend
the first memory i carry is your smile .
the oldest emotion i bear is my love for you .
you would have died for me .
Please this is not about me...
I dedicate this to everyone on here who has been shunned by their own Mother or Father. You don't see my softer side too much anymore but some posts upset me tonight so I wrote it for you all.
the first memory i carry is your smile .
the oldest emotion i bear is my love for you .
you would have died for me .
The first memory I carry is your smile
The oldest emotion I bear is my love for you
You would have died for me
When there wasnt enough food in the house, you gave me a second helping while
missing most of your own meal.
When I fell and skinned my knees
You picked me up, tenderly bathed my wounds
Poured me some milk and did your utmost to make me comfortable
You made me feel like the most important kid by encouraging decrees
I was the apple of your eye, Mommy and I was never afraid when you were there
You always taught me to think things through
Encouraged me to seek look for the good
Told me to seek happiness and always feel free
Make sure that everything I based my life on was indeed true
So I did
But now you are blinded by your belief
The love you have for me is imprisoned within those dark walls
Of philosophical twisted hatred for everything that is progressive and causes me to grow
Mommy, can you still touch my love, cant you see through my grief?
I still love you Mommy
What did they do?
Where have you gone?
I need your love it means so much to me!
Dont you want your child must make it through?
How could you love me so much and then coldly reject me?
No one is there
I am so lonely
This is the aftermath of Armageddon
Does anybody care?
I miss you Mommy thank you for your love
At least the start of my life was happy...
Edited by - gravedancer on 24 July 2002 0:52:56
this is why i like to help those come to an accurate knowledge in the first place.
those that agree that there has been so many god's that have been worshiped can post here.
satan is behind it all of course.
I always thought dolphins were kewl!!!
have you ever noticed how you seem to go from one mess to another?
without going into the details just yet....i have just spent the last 6 months getting my head together and getting back on my own two feet after leaving my husband and i have now managed to stop myself in my tracks and f**k up once again.
i dunno what to do.....im feeling pretty low and desperate at the moment and worst of all....lost.
Think LONG-TERM. In 5 or 10 years you will be having fun with all your kids and this will be a time you herdly even remember. Look to the future. This time will pass and you will move on and enjoy your life with your children at the very least. Much more future upside than downside!!
on thursday evening, i received a phone call from a young woman, i have been helping by talking and emailing.
i have never met her.
bill bowen put her in touch with me nearly a year ago.
It seems telling that most of the people with opinions about chat are the people who don't go there...
i don't have a clue how a computer works.
i just turn it on and point and click and i am able to do what i need to do, unless of course something goes wrong, or in the worst case scenario if my little machine experiences the dreaded blue-screen crash, then i am really in a mess.
that is the way the financial system is for most people.
Thanks for the links and the articles. As I have studied the credit-bubbles of Japan (and now China also if you care to look), the rest of Asia and South America there are some striking similarities between what is happening in the US and those other nations. It is hard to argue coherently against the arguments being made. Anyone who can agree with the arguments in favor for the credit bubble is not too savvy (IMO).
So while you and I probably have some views in common on the economic outlook we certainly have different views on the religious side of things. My view is that if things go to hell-in-a-handbasket I need to be financially prepared and for that reason I am currently purchasing foreign property (I cannot be more specific at this time) which I will relocate to in the not to distant future.
So my question to you is: since you believe the impending collapse of the financial system signals Armageddon etc why don't you go and borrow every penny you can and live it up since you will (according to your beliefs) not have to pay any of it back?
i have noticed for some time now, that when anyone mentions having hope in something said by the bible, some come forth and start asking pointed questions designed to denigrate that hope.
if one says they hope there is a god, someone else will come on ask how could that be because of all the ills in the world.
if it is said that one hopes the earth will be restored by god, another will come on and start asking what about lions being vegetarians, and eating birds and mosquitoes and such.
DR...is that Doctor?
Great post, sir.
Of course hope is a wonderful state of mind to have. No reasonable person would dispute that because as one poster stated it gives some humans cause for optimism. On the other hand some would have a type of hope that leads to expecting handouts or a "woe is me" attitude where they rely on pity from others to get by instead of taking postive action motivated by hope.
Your kind of hope is wonderful, DK....the other is deadly!
looks like someone on this forum hates this word hope.
hope is a great thing to have for all christain.. it is one of the best things a true christain can have.. the bible gives us alot of hope.. lets use it in our everyday lives.
we have bible understanding threw research do we not?
You are cutting and pasting from the WT CD-Rom....IMO it amounts to spamming.