I'm on Apple/Firefox and someone let me know that if you tick "Automatic Cr/Lf" and untick the "Check here" your paragraphs will work.
By they way I think it's great that you aren't consumed with any anger or bitterness. Those emotions are useless, they wear you down and create more harm than good in my opinion.
"Let us not look back in anger or forward in fear, but around in awareness." ~ James Thurber.
JoinedPosts by hotchocolate
In my opinion....
by PaulJ ini've not been on here for a while, so i wanted to drop in and say a few things.
i hope you are all alright!!
i thought about titling this thread 'i'm over it'.
Oi've got one word for you Brin. NO WAY.
An American Kath and Kim! Now that is just plain unAustroiyan, that is. :-P haha -
To soon to hope?
by Wendy_Warden inso yeah--i've been riding the same train of i'm-in-love-with-a-jw for about two years now.
i've said in previous posts (posted a long time ago) that he wanted me to convert.
he never said so out right but his habit of linking our conversations to the wt convinced me that it was important to him.. well, i tried to let everything drop for a long time and didn't really keep in contact.
I don't quite agree with some of the posters on this.
If a witness is willing to date and perhaps marry a "worldly" person, that person is obviously a "weak" witness and is going to be more likely to think outside the box.
Certain methods of argument might get through to him, but a direct attack is without doubt not one of them. If you are attempting to undermine his faith with this method, do yourself a favour. STOP NOW. There are much smarter ways to do it. When I have more time I'll start a thread with my ideas on this. :-)
Good luck. -
Just curious--how many Dubs/ex-Dubs have come to JWD in the last year?
by Alpaca ini have the sense that we are seeing a lot more open dissent on jwd with dubs who are still in the borg or fading.. what do you guys think?.
how many have recently left or are in the process of leaving as a result of jwd or other related sites that expose the borg?.
what was the final straw that did it?.
Two months for me now...
I researched things for nearly a year whilst trying to avoid any "apostate" material - very difficult when the CD-ROM only goes back to 1950, and only knowing a limited amount of the society's history of false predictions and changing light.
After clicking a few links from Wikipedia I realised that there were some awesome places that could really help me find the articles I was after, and that the society was never going to guide me to their mistakes. I started furtively peeking at a few ex-witness sites, I started realising there was a lot of truth and a lot less bitterness than I ever expected to find... Very quickly I found JWD, but I couldn't stand not being able to check out usernames or the private section. So, of course I had to sign up. :-) -
Absurdity in the Bible
by darth frosty innot to diss anyones beliefs, i thought this was humorous.. .
absurdity in the bible .
if any man be ignorant, let him be ignorant.--1 cor.14:38 .
In the book, "The Science of God" by Gerald Schroeder, the above description is about the creation of the universe; light separating from dark and occurred about 15,750,000,000 years ago. Science would call it "The Big Bang" where light literally broke free as electrons bond to atomic nuclei and galaxies start to form. Day One actually ended about 7,750,000,000 years ago and that's when Day Two began where the heavenly firmament forms. Science would say the disk of Milky Way forms and Sun, a main sequence star, forms.
Read this book....it will give you a whole new perspective on using modern language and scientific data to "explain" a lot of what sounds "silly" to most people in the scriptures.
*** END QUOTE ***
Hi Journey and Others.. thanks for this thread, this is my area of interest right now.. :-)
The info from Gerald Schroeder is interesting, but IMO doesn't really fit with the Biblical account. The scripture says:
"And God said, "Let there be light," and there was light. 4 God saw that the light was good, and He separated the light from the darkness. 5 God called the light "day," and the darkness he called "night." And there was evening, and there was morning—the first day."
So unless the electrons were flashing on a 24 hour rotational basis, it doesn't fit. The WT explanation for the whole "day/night before sun/moon" problem is that God created the luminaries on day one, but they were not visible to earth until day four, when it says:
"14 And God said, "Let there be lights in the expanse of the sky to separate the day from the night, and let them serve as signs to mark seasons and days and years, 15 and let them be lights in the expanse of the sky to give light on the earth." And it was so. 16 God made two great lights—the greater light to govern the day and the lesser light to govern the night. He also made the stars. 17 God set them in the expanse of the sky to give light on the earth, 18 to govern the day and the night, and to separate light from darkness. And God saw that it was good. 19 And there was evening, and there was morning—the fourth day."
The problem I have with this is that the Bible clearly says "God made two great lights" on day four. To re-interpret this any other way is twisting the Bible's words. I can't help thinking that the Genesis creation account was simply a basic perspective from someone with a limited knowledge of science. Someone who presumed that the light on the earth didn't eminate solely from the sun. Even the fact that the scripture says "God made two great lights" when in fact the only great light is the sun, we know the moon is a planet, not a light.
The first chapter of Genesis seems to be written exactly as one would expect of a man that lived 3500 years ago. I'm not saying my mind is made up, but this is the conclusion I keep coming to.
xxx -
JW Closet Drinkers
by shamus100 inhow many here have had jw friends that can only have a good time when they drink?
i've known plenty - ones with obvious drinking problems.
not necessarialy alcoholics, but ones that equate good times with drinking, and drinking alone.
Octarine, I'm "not allowed to access this section" :-(
So there I was.........
by beksbks inin costco yesterday, and i see this tall guy rush past me toward the cold room with the veggies.
he looked very familiar, but..... i said "excuse me, are you who i think you are?
" he said "well i don't know, someone just asked me if i was joe montana" i said "nooooo steve young!
No! Not dumb at all..
Lipliner... very sexy.
:-) x -
Nothing but the Blood - Chapter 3
by daniel-p in[this is the true story of my life.
i'm posting it in installments.
the final installment will include post-script-type thoughts, with acknowledgements to those who've helped me along these last two years, as well as those who've been an inspiration.
I want to know the ending!! Where is James now? Do you see your sister much? Is your brother still in? Okay, okay, I will wait. Patience, hotchocolate. :-)
So there I was.........
by beksbks inin costco yesterday, and i see this tall guy rush past me toward the cold room with the veggies.
he looked very familiar, but..... i said "excuse me, are you who i think you are?
" he said "well i don't know, someone just asked me if i was joe montana" i said "nooooo steve young!
Wait a sec. THAT was the guy? Well why didn't you just post the pic? I'd be excited if I ran into him too. :-) heh heh
So there I was.........
by beksbks inin costco yesterday, and i see this tall guy rush past me toward the cold room with the veggies.
he looked very familiar, but..... i said "excuse me, are you who i think you are?
" he said "well i don't know, someone just asked me if i was joe montana" i said "nooooo steve young!
Don't feel bad. I don't know Joe Montana OR Steve Young. :-)